TF2 Pub (Do any of you...)

Low Budget

DGN Staff
Staff member
That's how we get ad generated revenues, from Pinion. Without Pinion, donation goal would be much higher. I believe tf2 donation perks disable ads. So if you are a donor, you can be added to the VIP list. Just post your steamid in the donators perk section.


Server's already dead

Low Budget

DGN Staff
Staff member
Bailers, we need the community to help populate and keep it populated at first if we want this to succeed. New servers do not populate themselves. Just saying.


TD Admin
The ones that joined 2 played rest in spawn doing nothing and asking if you have that item.


TD Admin / Wanker
I was in for a while
But then the server went from 20 people to 6 people in a matter of one map change.

It was Well, for future reference.
Maybe remove that map?


TD Admin / Wanker
Actually I did vote for it..
But only because I wanted to see what the map was like.
Server died after it xD