Pink Tacos hi-jacked account

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Senior TF2 Admin
[H3]There's easier ones out there.[/H3]
[H6]Maybe this should stay in private chat.[/H6]


DARKLY Regular
From talking about Pink Tacos hi-jacked account, and now we are talking about coding?? Who thinks Richard is gonna kill us? Oh, while we are talking about coding... Anybody know how to code a steam bot? :D

Stan Radner

DARKLY Regular
From talking about Pink Tacos hi-jacked account, and now we are talking about coding?? Who thinks Richard is gonna kill us? Oh, while we are talking about coding... Anybody know how to code a steam bot? :D

Yes. You delete System32 and then turn off your computer then turn it back on.



DARKLY Regular
Ok, but seriously, I actually deleted the system folder, and now my computer won't log on... I am not going to be on steam for a while, until I find another download for windows... #WowStan

Stan Radner

DARKLY Regular
Shit. I forgot the braces. it should be
throw new IllegalFormatException();

I remember last year we were working on VB and my final project was a soundboard but I made it seem like it had a virus in it...the professor was flipping shit but I ended up getting a good grade.


DARKLY Regular
I wanna be cool like you guys... Where can I learn all this nerdy shit? Also, Stan, I noticed that double post..

Stan Radner

DARKLY Regular
I wanna be cool like you guys... Where can I learn all this nerdy shit?

You could start learning it yourself by reading tutorials online but I've been taking courses at my college for it. Or have someone teach you.

I can probably send you a PDF file of my Java book if you'd like it or a VB book.

Stan Radner

DARKLY Regular

One more off the list

OMFG just died of laughter


DARKLY Regular
Another double-post :feelscry: but I will download that when I get windows re-installed
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