Pink Tacos hi-jacked account

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DARKLY Regular
Everyone please donate to the Needy Mizz Fund. The NMF is a non-profit organization. All donations go directly to the needy.
But I don't think I have enough metal to donate.. :trollface: image.jpg


DARKLY Regular
>ALL FOR YOU MIZZ. owait. You live in Pub, but Pub died. I guess you're homeless now, so I don't know where to send it.


DARKLY Regular
lol... One is for TF2, another for Steam, and the last one is for CS:GO. Is it a bit too much?


DARKLY Regular
I don't know how to make mine neat like yours lol, because I want mine to look like yours (not that I am a copy-cat, it's just that yours looks neat.)


TD Admin / Wanker
Well you have your [center ] that you've used..
There is also [left ] and [right ]
Just gotta learn how to BBCode :P

Stan Radner

DARKLY Regular
throw new IllegalFormatException;

Lel. C++ is supa hard to do GUI shiz with and Javas built in gui sucks dick. They both lose :D

Also, where are the semicolons you nubbies. Do you even program?

Damnit. I forgot that headers require semicolons. :P

java isn't that bad if you're working with JOptionPane instead of Scanner.
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