Search results

  1. N


    +1 for Aztec
  2. N

    New PL Maps

    Here is a thread of (possible) additions to the PL server as we only have a 3 map rotation thus far. I've taken these from FPS Banana, where I searched for all PL maps and sorted by most downloaded: pl_frontier Link: Comments: I've personally played...
  3. N

    Quick Update

    Our TF2 servers are #2 and #6 in Canada (PL/CP respectively) so good job on that too!
  4. N

    I need all you smart people's help

    L4D2 runs correctly for me in Win7 Ultimate x64. I get constant CTD in CSS though, so it seems to be general instability with the Win7 platform. I would try redownloading L4D2.
  5. N

    Shortbus + Iceman + Me + Kritz = WTFFFF Seriously, I love the new CP server. Good call on that. The rotation is pretty good (those are arguably the 'best' CP maps) and the server gets full pretty fast. KABOOM!
  6. N

    TF2 server suggestions.

    If you're going to implement no random kritz, you must turn on nodamagespread, or else the fallover damage for some classes (like soldier rockets) is too much. See:
  7. N

    WIN7 having lag, choke, or reg problems

    Good find, although I'm having much bigger issues with CS:S in Win7 - direct x game engine errors and random crashes.
  8. N


    35 kills for Soldier in a couple hours...
  9. N


    Gentlemen, I have NO IDEA what this weapon is. I don’t even know if I’ll WANT it. But BY GOD, I know what’s IMPORTANT, and it’s that WE get it and the DEMOMAN DOES NOT. GOGOGO Soldiers, screw Demomen! They don't need any more weapons!
  10. N

    more maps??

    I think we need more popular PL maps or the popular CP maps (Badlands, Granary, Fastline, Well, Dustbowl, Gravelpit, Junction) just to attract a different crowd at different times.
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    +1 for Shortbus in TD then Shortbus Admin.
  12. N


    I will try to be there.
  13. N

    TF2 No Crits Mod

    Yeah, I forgot to mention that (I thought the mod page said that) - it essentially takes off all random crits - the Kritzkreig, backburner, mini-flare crits, headshots, etc still remain. It just prevents a scout from have 5 HP and hitting you (a soldier) with a crit scattergun (~180 damage)...
  14. N

    TF2 No Crits Mod

    Hey all, I think this might be fun to experiment with: It basically starts a vote on round start to disable crits or not. I don't know about everyone, but it's sometimes nice to play without crits - it adds a bit more skill to the game...
  15. N

    Hot girl work out

    Second video >>>>>> first
  16. N

    Twas the night before Critsmas

    Twas the night before Critsmas, when all through the lookout Not a player was stirring, not even a scout. The sentry were hung by the choke point with care, In hopes that some noob will be charging in there. The RED team were nestled all snug in their spawn, While visions of winning were...
  17. N

    PL maps only

    I wish we could sometimes play dustbowl or gravelpit (especially when the server only has a few people in it). Anyways, pl_mill is an awesome map.
  18. N

    Need some php help

    I know PHP. Post any problems here (if you can) and I will try to help.