Why is cmdrate 128 being forced ?


TD Admin
PLEASE UNLOCK RATES. Or have the server set rates for when you first join but still allow people to change it. Forcing 128 just doesn't work if your not living next to the server. To much variance when full and a lot of action going on. Not sure what brought on the locking in the first place. Were people abusing it? I had my updaterate set to 96 and it was perfect. Great registry and reaction time when server was full during peak times. I'd set it higher when it got late and server pop dwindled. PLLLLLLLLLLLLLLLEEEEEAAAASSSSSSSSEEEEEEE.


A Little Darkly
What SynergyTM is saying not true. There is no such thing as cmdrate hacking. Lmao for making up such a thing.

Rate should be forced at 80000 and cmdrate and updaterate should be unlocked to minimum 64. This will not affect other players in the server who are playing with cmdrate 128.

If my computer is running only ~60 fps that is what the server will be receiving from me and estimate the rest of it. And I will receive enough info to run what my computer can process so I do not choke.

They are still locked at 128, someone pls take care of it.

Yes there is such a thing as rate hacking , when a client only uploads say 20 packets a sec vs 128 like they should or at the least 64 the server does not know the clients exact location on the map hence when people use a cmdrate of 20 they are hard as hell to hit, and this is whay in leagues the cmdrate is FORCED...it would not force it if it want a hack/cheat


A Little Darkly
I only have 1 o r2 variance at 128 tick and im close to Philly ...sp tytanium I dont know what you mean by living next to server...


Staff member
Synergy is right, rate hacking/exploiting is real.

Hence why Pro players are forced to use standard rates.


TD Member
There is no hacking when rate is set to min 64 or 102.

TD server was 66 tick in source and it was forcing 66 min which was fine. Where are you getting cmdrate 20 ? Must be one of those noob servers you were playing on.

With CS:GO, a lot of ppl are suffering to get constant 128 fps and it impacts their game play.

If you want to stop lag hacks, don't let anyone more than 50 ping in the server.

Cmdrate and updaterate should at least capped at 102 minimum.


TD Admin
So, I see there's no chance of unlocking the rates eh? Is there any chance we could have a min and max? Say like 102 min 128 max for updaterate? Setting the updaterate will auto set your cmdrate.

I find with 128 tick with my 20-30ms ping I get some unusual recoil at times and registry is off a bit because of the variance between my ping and my lerp setting which is set to 7ms @ 128 with interp at 0. Setting my updaterate to 96-102 gave me a lerp of about 11 to 13ms which was a lot more in line with my actual ping giving better registry and enemy location (hitbox.)

If you think I can't notice 10-15 ms of variance in gameplay you are dead wrong. 128 tick is giving a huge advantage to people strafing/moving over people standing still. More so then usual.

Shotgun Jesus

TD Admin
Staff member
Yeah, I'll lower some AIDS. I don't know much about rates though.

Here's our current settings:

In server startup:
tickrate 128

In server.cfg:
sm_cvar sv_maxrate "0"
sm_cvar sv_minrate "40000"
sm_cvar sv_maxcmdrate "128"
sm_cvar sv_mincmdrate "100"
sm_cvar sv_maxupdaterate "128"
sm_cvar sv_minupdaterate "100"
sm_cvar sv_unlag "1"
sm_cvar is because some of these commands are locked in CS:GO without SourceMod's help.


Staff member
Weird, even if I lower it to 101 it still reports 128. Must be bugged, we get a ton of warping fucks who's computers can't take 128, and bounce around like jack rabbits.

Any news on sv_pure 1? Is it Still locked :(


TD Admin
So, I just wanted to say a big thank you to SJ. This thanks is also for the map additions. You are the bestest SJ! I set updaterate to 102 and we golden.