Tick Tock's version of trade_plaza suggestions


Senior TF2 Admin
Higher ceiling in the main room would be nice, bit more headroom. Idk how easy that'd be, though.


DARKLY Regular
Maybe some floating platforms to make rocket jumping so much fun in #2. If you add this, #2 will become my fav Darkly server. And possibly my new home.


Retired Scrub
Not a demand here, but how about a designated sniping range? I owe Khârn the Betrayer a duel, but it's hard to duel with the current map if you don't have access to duel protection, which is an Admin perk, I believe.

I know a few regulars would be interested in a sniping range too :)


DARKLY Regular
^ +1 with sniping range. I want revenge on Kharn, WITHOUT Haze as your medic. ;)


Retired Scrub
It can hardly be called hiding when that's all we have for legitimate cover on the map. :P I understand and appreciate that you are making this map, but with all due respect, it should be what the majority wants and what they want is to snipe (or rocketjump), when not participating in the events.

I do like the height of the room though, so thanks for adjusting that =)

Whatever happened to old map on Toronto 6 that was like a collection of rooms; tennis, spycrabbing, rocketjumping, and sniping. I really enjoyed that map.


TD Admin
This map was tick tocks idea and gatherix approved it. I didn't wake up and say, "hey, I wonder what others want on plaza!". While I do value your suggestions and input, I have no obligation to add any of them.
Understood but do what the community wants rather then satisfying one person. All there is to say really.
One suggestion I would like to add would be to make it so where you cannot simply snipe/spam sentry into the enemy spawn. Add trees or something that makes it where you have to really aim with skill instead of laziness. The long space to run between spawns could use...ramps? Palms? A fence?
I was thinking sliding doors where the entrances are now and an alternative exit possibly where the sniper nest is. Or maybe something like trade_darkly_beta where there are 3 exits. We'll see. I do agree that spawn killing is a serious is on trade_plaza ;P
