Tick Tock's version of trade_plaza suggestions


DARKLY Regular
Abusing an exploit and the trust of his Moderator position.

Ah, ok. Thank you for replying Cmp. I hope he is still makes maps for Darkly.. And if not, I hope you can fill in for him Cmp, you also rock at making maps. :D


Ah, ok. Thank you for replying Cmp. I hope he is still makes maps for Darkly.. And if not, I hope you can fill in for him Cmp, you also rock at making maps. :D
Ill be head mapper.
1 ref for each prop on map


DARKLY Regular
To expand a little.
He created himself some exploits for personal use on his custom Rawr map.
He was found out and dealt with by Gatherix, he is no longer welcome here and may he rest in piss.
Yep, on his map he sold the secret room privilege for 18 keys.... And it worked......


Retired Scrub
After he learned of his ban, Ludi took it upon himself to completely remove any trace of him being here. Any post he could not delete was edited to a period. Any post he could not edit was reported.


DARKLY Regular
Well, let's try to get back on topic of the thread. So.... Still stoked for Cmp's map. I hope to see it and try it out!


Retired Scrub
Ok, I combed over the map several times, adjusting things as needed. As far as I can tell, everything is the right size and is functioning.

I've handed the map off to Tick and Gatherix, so fingers crossed :D

EDIT: And of course, right after I do that, I realize the spawns are opposite of what they should be... :feelscry:

EDIT AGAIN: For what feels like the 10th time, I finished the map. I swear, if something is messed up... :tableflip:

:tableflip: :fuckthis:

Found one error on my map, but because I'm on my laptop in class, I can't repair it for another 1.5 hours :feelscry: :why:

EDIT AGAIN YAY: Currently scanning the map for any last errors. Hopefully I got them all. I feel bad for spamming Tick and Gatherix with links though xD


Retired Scrub
Fuck editing. This post deserves its own post :D

The map is done and thanks to Gatherix's amazing plugin genius, we figured out a filter that will automatically convert a player to sniper before they can reach the window to shoot.

Anyway, I've combed over the map meticulously and it seems to be in working order. I'll have to show Gatherix where the TP points go for the events/premium, but apart from that, she's ready to go :D