Preventing Sentry Camping


DARKLY Regular
Alright. So most of the time im having fun on TF2 on the Rawr servers. Whether it comes to Trading or just shooting eachother or spycrabbing. But what happens if you come back from idling and find yourself surrounded by Sentrys outside of the spawn? Could take awhile if nobody decides to play medic. Especially if there is a lot of them. Like 3-5 sentrys. Which is why I decided 'Hey, why not make something that punishes the campers AND puts the sentry on your team?'. So here is a plugin that does just so.

Admin Command: sm_sentryteam @all <Team Number>

Where Team Number = The team number you would like to change the sentrys team. RED = 2, BLU = 3

This does change ALL of the sentrys team property. It does not change specific targets. If you are at-least an admin with access to the "Kick" command, then this should be available to use. No matter what you input instead of @all (even a clients name specifically), it will target all objects by the classname "obj_sentrygun"

This should help regulate sentry camping. I honestly hated it. It took so long just to clear 3 of them. Admins will have better control over campers, while punishing them at the same time. It may not be used, but atleast theirs the option :)
It is still in the beta stages, the current bug about it is it retains the level when it's changed, but the model is not. The model always shows as level 1.
If I know this will be used, I will fix this.

EDIT: Oh wow. There is a sentry outside the base right now. What a coincidence.


TD Admin / Wanker
Hey that's pretty clever!
I would love to use that command to show the other team what it feels like to be shot at from every side.
I don't see this as a problem, I used to make a challenge by blinding and igniting the campers to level the playing that I can't do that anymore (Thanks a lot LB), I just wait for them to eventually get their asses handed by a Demoman or a Heavy.

It is not that hard to get pass the mess, it's only difficult when you have about two active players attacking.


Professional Cocksucker
I don't see this as a problem, I used to admin abuse to level the playing that I can't do that anymore (Thanks a lot LB), I just wait for them to eventually get their asses handed by a Demoman or a Heavy.

It is not that hard to get pass the mess, it's only difficult when you have about two active players attacking.

Because abusing players and making them not want to come back is TD's goal. Not.

Thanks LB indeed.


TD Admin | Bacon
Because abusing players and making them not want to come back is TD's goal. Not.

Thanks LB indeed.

You don't seem to understand what Sentry camping is in Trade servers lol. More people leave from it then from admin abuse.

You can't really use stickies when the other team has 10 sentries stacked at your spawn.


DARKLY Regular
Could always have both.

Turn the sentry's on their own team for fun and then disable them :P

Sounds like a plan!

I just finished fixing the models issue (The models are now set to according to there levels, respectfully).
Disables the sentrys after 10 seconds when the command is issued. There is a current bug that disables it forever (until killed pretty much). I would guess it's intended since it's not suppost to come back online. Also found another bug when the sentry owner is wrangling the sentry, and when the command is issued switching the teams, as long as he has the wrangler out, the sentry will scan at double the rate. Stops when wrangler is put away.


DARKLY Regular
Update! (Just for you zach)

Added the ConVar to allow if the sentrys should be disabled then be removed from the world.
Added the ConVar to allow how long the sentrys should stay disabled before it is removed from world.
Model fix. The models are now changed accordingly to the sentrys levels.(Looks really cool when used on Mini-sentrys now).

sm_sentryteam_disable "0/1" "Bool to set whether the sentrys should be enabled or disabled after the the team switch"
sm_sentryteam_duration "10" "Duration for how long the sentrys will be disabled before removed from the world"

sm_sentryteam @all <Team Number>. Where Team Number = Teams number. RED = 2 BLU = 3

Possible bugs: I did not test this much with multiple sentrys. So I do not know how the model change will react to this.

Because abusing players and making them not want to come back is TD's goal. Not.

Thanks LB indeed.
Some people like to be abused, but even then there's limits to that.

We usually put up a few metals when this is called into question. You'd be surprised how many people still manage to survive attacks, even when they're blinded AND on fire. (Almost makes me think they're cheating somehow.)
You don't seem to understand what Sentry camping is in Trade servers lol. More people leave from it then from admin abuse.

You can't really use stickies when the other team has 10 sentries stacked at your spawn.
Toronto #3 cleared yesterday when RED had about 4 Engineers and a trigger happy Pyro at the BLU Spawn, made life very boring. It's hard to track who's camping instead of trading and idling, than it is to track abuse.
I could make it less abusive, and rather just disable the sentries.. Either way.
If you do that, you'll have to add a tag to the server that it will modify sentries, otherwise people will think the server's being unfair to players and will make them go somewhere else.


DARKLY Regular
If you do that, you'll have to add a tag to the server that it will modify sentries, otherwise people will think the server's being unfair to players and will make them go somewhere else.

The version I posted tracks all movements of the plugin. It states what is happening. It reports three stages.
1. First stage, announces that the sentrys teams have been switched, and to what team they were switched to.
2. Second stage, announces that the sentrys that are disabled.
3. Third stage, announces that the sentrys were removed from the world.

Do you mean like make it an admin message so it's distinct if a admin triggered it or not?
This is just a part of trade servers. Don't get frustrated by it. Either go to another rawr server, organize your team, or put your spy skills to the test.


DARKLY Regular
Instead of this plugin, why not give admins sentrys on there heads and shoot at the enemy's (no joke, I was experimenting with this for a day or so, it's pretty hilarious lol. Model of sentry does not show however. Silly Valve and there hats =()