DARKLY Regular
Alright. So most of the time im having fun on TF2 on the Rawr servers. Whether it comes to Trading or just shooting eachother or spycrabbing. But what happens if you come back from idling and find yourself surrounded by Sentrys outside of the spawn? Could take awhile if nobody decides to play medic. Especially if there is a lot of them. Like 3-5 sentrys. Which is why I decided 'Hey, why not make something that punishes the campers AND puts the sentry on your team?'. So here is a plugin that does just so.
Admin Command: sm_sentryteam @all <Team Number>
Where Team Number = The team number you would like to change the sentrys team. RED = 2, BLU = 3
This does change ALL of the sentrys team property. It does not change specific targets. If you are at-least an admin with access to the "Kick" command, then this should be available to use. No matter what you input instead of @all (even a clients name specifically), it will target all objects by the classname "obj_sentrygun"
This should help regulate sentry camping. I honestly hated it. It took so long just to clear 3 of them. Admins will have better control over campers, while punishing them at the same time. It may not be used, but atleast theirs the option :)
It is still in the beta stages, the current bug about it is it retains the level when it's changed, but the model is not. The model always shows as level 1.
If I know this will be used, I will fix this.
EDIT: Oh wow. There is a sentry outside the base right now. What a coincidence.
Admin Command: sm_sentryteam @all <Team Number>
Where Team Number = The team number you would like to change the sentrys team. RED = 2, BLU = 3
This does change ALL of the sentrys team property. It does not change specific targets. If you are at-least an admin with access to the "Kick" command, then this should be available to use. No matter what you input instead of @all (even a clients name specifically), it will target all objects by the classname "obj_sentrygun"
This should help regulate sentry camping. I honestly hated it. It took so long just to clear 3 of them. Admins will have better control over campers, while punishing them at the same time. It may not be used, but atleast theirs the option :)
It is still in the beta stages, the current bug about it is it retains the level when it's changed, but the model is not. The model always shows as level 1.
If I know this will be used, I will fix this.
EDIT: Oh wow. There is a sentry outside the base right now. What a coincidence.