How will Android change my work life?


Staff member
So, I used Android in in the IceCream days, It was total shite. My experience lasted barely a day before I got an iPhone.

BB isn't so much of an option as it doesn't have the Apps I really need yet.

NOTE: If you feel the need to bash other OS's your opinion is useless to me. Be positive or GTFO I have no time for a Flame war.


Staff member
I've tried android with two diff phones now but went back to BlackBerry both times. I love the UI in bb10 and they are constantly releasing Os updates to make it even better.


TD Admin
It really depends. For me, I need a decent calender app and Android has a few really good ones, so Android is fine for me. However, if you need email and secure end-to-end communication with greater capabilities than SMS, like BBM (yeah Android has BBM now, but it's made for BB...), then you might want to consider BB.


DARKLY Regular
I have few complaints about my HTC One X+. Most people overlook it for the samsung Galaxy lin, but all in all it gets the job done. Some of the functionality is a bit counter-intuitive, but it's a durable phone with lots of computing power, hordes of memory and a solid screen that is, according to the phone geeks who sold it to me, more brilliant than the Samsung one. (I wouldn't know, I keep the power saver settings on high to save power and prevent eye cancerous glare)

I dunno how it compares to Crapple products because that shit is over-hyped and over-priced IMO and I won't get suckered into giving them my money. Don't use BB either though I do sorely wish I had a keyboard instead of a touch screen.

OG buckshot jr

TD Admin
Realistically, fan or no fan, all three phones (BB, iPhone and Android) all have their advantages, depending on what you need/want/use and prefer. All someone like me can provide you with is an opinion, and only you can try each and do the rest..
If you want it:

- did the basic job, but got bored of it
- too restrictive (I.E. can't tether off a BB product; thanks Apple.................)

- shit battery (eventually, every Android does suffer from this)
- high maintanance (killing apps, clearing memory etc. = thing's a legit computer)
- pro side of above: high customization, kernals, ROM's, speeds, apps, overlays (HTC overlay, Sense, is absolutely amazing)
- Lacks Apple-standard of app quality, but nonetheless has a lot of apps for what you need, if you don't mind data-sniffers n shit :P

- Basic, but best communications available
- Good Battery

It's all in what you want, I guess...


Staff member
Thanks, and Yea BJ that's about what I thought.

Where's all the hardcore Android guys?


OG buckshot jr

TD Admin
I used to be hardcore Android, there was nothing better (in my mind at the time). I customized everything from the kernel, to the OS, to the boot screen, to fully unlocking it (I had low-level access to every chip on my phone (this could also enable me to brick it lol) etc. If you have the time, and want to go digging, Android is your tinker-bell.

I do think it's the most useful phone out there: kind of the swiss army knives of phones. However, the drawback is this: there's a very large variety of operating systems available, not only from phone to phone, but from carrier phone to carrier phone (i.e. a samsung Galaxy II from Bell might be different from the same phone from Telus - Indeed, this example is true. The bell has a faster processor and used to have OS upgrades where Telus didn't offer one for a long time). This is what makes [forces] people to root [jailbreak] and unlock [for carriers] their phones. The only bitch is, whenever you want to try a new version of an OS (there's hundreds) or kernel, or cellular kernel (yes, you can fuck with reception/battery trade-offs on a rooted android if you have the balls and very basic command-line skills) etc., you must backup, install, restore, set everything back up yadda yadda.

You need time, and patience. But, you could end up loving it.

Shotgun Jesus

TD Admin
Staff member
Where's all the hardcore Android guys?

I'm not hardcore Android, I just appreciate the larger screens. I still use my iPhone 5 every day. I can't say Android has changed my work life at all. Although, there are more apps to help with the Darkly servers.

:shrug: phones suck


TD Admin
I can vouch on having a rooted Android phone, as I have a rooted S3. There are lots of custom OSs out there, and whenever I want to try one out, I would have to backup, wipe, install, restore, which takes a lot of time, but every OS I've tried has something really cool. For example, Cyanogenmod has a legit full EQ, so if you play around with that, .flac files can sound really good. With my S3 however, I always find something wrong with custom ROMs, but that's only because I use a weird model that only exist in North America and most ROMs are made for the S3 international versions. The Google devices however root really well and I would recommend that for an Android phone. Right now, I'm just using the stock OS that comes with the S3 that I've rooted for removing Samsung bloatware and allowing apps to make modifications to the CPU clock speeds on usage.

Just, for the love of jebus, do not get an iphone...

OG buckshot jr

TD Admin
My iphone5 just broke today lol...dont get one

Ya but let's be serious, Brains - if you go to the Apple store, warranty or not, heaven forbid a customer make a fuss publicly in the Apple Store. They'll just give you a new one. Because Apple the highest profit margin on their Chinese junk in history, they can afford to have the best customer care. They'll gladly take your busted up Chinese junk and give you a fucked-over-rebuilt-now-working piece of Chinese junk, and you'll be happy.

No other company can do that. So that's a plus...


TD Admin (and LiR)
Ya but let's be serious, Brains - if you go to the Apple store, warranty or not, heaven forbid a customer make a fuss publicly in the Apple Store. They'll just give you a new one. Because Apple the highest profit margin on their Chinese junk in history, they can afford to have the best customer care. They'll gladly take your busted up Chinese junk and give you a fucked-over-rebuilt-now-working piece of Chinese junk, and you'll be happy.

No other company can do that. So that's a plus...

Didn't know they'd do that... Gonna drop by Apple store tomorrow


TD Admin
Hmmmmm Why?

The only positive about Apple products is that everyone and their dog can use one. That is, needless to say, the majority of people and Apple really make their mark when Android was really shitty and BB had no competition. To this day however, the hardware is meh compared to some Android devices, software has been the same for the most part, and it's a closed system, meaning upgrading anything, even software, requires buying the next new thing.

As I said before, Android used to be really shitty because it was hard to use. It wasn't part of Google at the time and was being done with a few people and volunteers, so it was always a work in progress at best. When Google bought Android however, they've made it easier to use and the integration with Google services, like Gmail, Calender, Now, has really driven Android's successes. Also, Android is an open system, meaning you can update the phone to the latest Android version (if available, depending on hardware vendor) and root the phone to do all sorts of crazy shit. Each new Android release usually hits the front pages of tech sites, because it comes with features that people would want, not just small windows-update like changes, and it's free.

BB is a bit of an odd-ball, because they've first targeted businesses, with great email client and BBM, which has secure end-to-end communication and has native support for things like spreadsheets and power-point, but gained popularity among regular people. They got cocky and didn't innovate, which let to Apple, then Android, to take their market share and nearly put them out, but they are still alive and kicking with the Z10 and Q10. They still have great email support and BBM.


Staff member
They'll just give you a new one. Because Apple the highest profit margin on their Chinese junk in history, they can afford to have the best customer care. They'll gladly take your busted up Chinese junk and give you a fucked-over-rebuilt-now-working piece of Chinese junk, and you'll be happy

Who doesn't make Phones in China? :shrug:


Staff member
The only positive about Apple products is that everyone and their dog can use one. That is, needless to say, the majority of people and Apple really make their mark when Android was really shitty and BB had no competition. To this day however, the hardware is meh compared to some Android devices, software has been the same for the most part, and it's a closed system, meaning upgrading anything, even software, requires buying the next new thing.

Most of this statement is erroneous.
Making a device/computer easier is what features and enhancements do, making a device more accessible isn't a bad thing.... and I'll never understand why some people think it is.

I'm Using Baby's-First-Phone OS aka iOS 7 on a phone that's over 2 years old and I never paid for shit. So you are wrong.
Yea Apple does need to give their devices more RAM and storage, that really pisses me off.

As I said before, Android used to be really shitty because it was hard to use. It wasn't part of Google at the time and was being done with a few people and volunteers, so it was always a work in progress at best. When Google bought Android however, they've made it easier to use and the integration with Google services, like Gmail, Calender, Now, has really driven Android's successes. Also, Android is an open system, meaning you can update the phone to the latest Android version (if available, depending on hardware vendor) and root the phone to do all sorts of crazy shit. Each new Android release usually hits the front pages of tech sites, because it comes with features that people would want, not just small windows-update like changes, and it's free.

I've heard HTC sense is amazing from many people, I guess I'll have to try it out to see what I like.