How will Android change my work life?


TD Admin
Most of this whole statement is erroneous.
Making a device/computer easier is what features and enhancements do, making a device more accessible isn't a bad thing.... and I'll never understand why some people think it is.

I'm Using Baby's-First-Phone OS aka iOS 7 on a phone that's over 2 years old and I never paid for shit. So you are wrong.
Yea Apple does need to give their devices more RAM and storage, that really pisses me off.

The argument of whether making a device more accessible is a good thing is the same as making a game more accessible to a broader audience. With developer these days, major AAA titles, especially franchises, have been victim of making changes, simply to increase possible accessibility. Diablo 3 is a prime example, changing from a more traditional control scheme similar to D2 to one that allows support for consoles. While D3 can be played by more people, thus more accessible, PC gamers get dicked over.

Features add to the device, which can make it easier or harder to use, depending on the feature. The iPhone has been very diligent in their releases to ensure it remains accessible and that shows in their software.


TD Admin | Bacon
I like Android because even my $30 one has a lot of cool features and access to.plenty apps.

Is it slow? At times depending on how much shit I am running.

what could I get from bb or apple for $30? A case or used iPhone 1?

I do miss my bb keyboard tho..


TD Member
What caught my eye about KitKat is that Google has finally bundled an alternative to the absolutelyextremelygodawful Dalvik runtime, called ART, which will kill off the bullshit lag and memory use issues caused by Dalvik. Since Dalvik hasn't been completely dropped yet I guess they're just betaing this in 4.4 but it's looking like 4.5 will finally be a solid Android release.

I have an Android slab right now, but if I were to go out and buy a phone I have no doubt it'd be an iPhone for the following reasons:

1) Screen size. Apple fucking gets it, staying classy with the best screen they can manage to fit into proper phone-sized dimensions. You can actually hold the iPhone up to your face and have a conversation. You can't do that with the PDA monstrosities Samsung has been pushing, I mean you pretty much need both hands just to handle those things.

2) No hassles dealing with the Java or Dalvik bullshit. Let's face it, you've never used Java without it being a laggy, painful son of a bitch, and Android runs on the motherfucker. Java has been a piece of shit pretty much ever since it's been shat into existence and foisted upon the world because lazy developers apparently run everything.

OG buckshot jr

TD Admin
Cock - I didn't mean the China hardware comment to be a minus for Apple, you're right, it's all chinese shyte. Ok, except for BB and maybe a phone here and there.

As for Java - welcome to life. You need Java. You may not notice it on the iPhone because it's limited, but you can't access half the shit anymore. Granted, most popular websites are finally switching to html5 now... +1 on screen-size, that pushed me away from droids. It's like holding Shaq's shoe to your face...


Staff member
I have issues with your analogy but I get your point. Still the iPhone limitations do effect my daily life, and this latest release has me wondering what else is out there. iOS7 does shit I really hate.

OG buckshot jr
I figured you had some insider info. -_-

Brades As you know my Z10 crashed at least once a day, I went to BB/RIM for support and got ZERO, ZIPO, ZLITCH on a less then 4 month old phone. Then after reading that over 40% of their customers are having the same issue, I understood why. Unsurprisingly I don't want to deal with them again.

Thanks, that's really good info!