TD Admin
Most of this whole statement is erroneous.
Making a device/computer easier is what features and enhancements do, making a device more accessible isn't a bad thing.... and I'll never understand why some people think it is.
I'm Using Baby's-First-Phone OS aka iOS 7 on a phone that's over 2 years old and I never paid for shit. So you are wrong.
Yea Apple does need to give their devices more RAM and storage, that really pisses me off.
The argument of whether making a device more accessible is a good thing is the same as making a game more accessible to a broader audience. With developer these days, major AAA titles, especially franchises, have been victim of making changes, simply to increase possible accessibility. Diablo 3 is a prime example, changing from a more traditional control scheme similar to D2 to one that allows support for consoles. While D3 can be played by more people, thus more accessible, PC gamers get dicked over.
Features add to the device, which can make it easier or harder to use, depending on the feature. The iPhone has been very diligent in their releases to ensure it remains accessible and that shows in their software.