Search results

  1. DarkPaladinPrime

    EXPIRED dman57op, Racism

    Server #2 around 7:30 pm PST. Guy was being racist in chat so Kandi banned him for 360 minutes. Request to be extended. | steamname: dman57op | steam3ID: [U:1:242336041] | steamID32: STEAM_0:1:121168020 | steamID64: | customURL: | steamrep...
  2. DarkPaladinPrime

    SELL Source Film Maker Posters

    Not sure if this is right section for it but I do have a posters I would like made I'll talk to you tomorrow once I get home Sent from my iPhone using Tapatalk
  3. DarkPaladinPrime

    DENIED quequens Staff Application

    +1 very active and friendly Sent from my iPhone using Tapatalk
  4. DarkPaladinPrime

    ACCEPTED Keskele's App.

    + like a 1000 from me. I see Keskele just about every time I hop on the servers. Always friendly and active. Good luck man Sent from my iPhone using Tapatalk
  5. DarkPaladinPrime

    Humble Bundle Insurgency Sale! $4.49

    Ah come on........ The one time I actually have money on my steam account to buy new games but I can't buy this one because it is not through steam. :extremepalm:
  6. DarkPaladinPrime

    So... Minecraft?

    I play Minecraft quite a bit still but mostly in single player nowadays. I would not mind getting on a multiplayer and doing some projects though.
  7. DarkPaladinPrime

    New rule suggestion

    You could also just mute your game if it annoys you that much.
  8. DarkPaladinPrime

    Hello Darkly Forums and Its Members

    Hello and welcome!
  9. DarkPaladinPrime

    Mystery Gift

    Dah shoot been meaning to get this game ehh oh well I can wait for it to go on sale.
  10. DarkPaladinPrime

    clash of clans

    Seriously I am getting more trophies for not attacking Sent from my iPhone using Tapatalk
  11. DarkPaladinPrime

    A new petition!

    Happy stalked my steam account eww. I actually did play it in when I was a freshmen in high school but that was when I had a different steam account.
  12. DarkPaladinPrime

    A new petition!

    You could just have an AWP only night instead. Sure people who have more experience with the AWP are going to kick ass but if it's only for a few hours once a week It would not stir up too much trouble.
  13. DarkPaladinPrime

    DENIED Ozomba's TF2 Staff Application

    -1 As well sorry man your a nice guy from what I have seen on my occasional visits on the servers, but according to your log history you do not hop around on any of the servers. Going by what Nano said should let staff enforce the rules. If people cause problems there is a !report function, or...
  14. DarkPaladinPrime

    DENIED ᴰᴳᴺ DD's Mod App

    There's more to someone than just chat logs Mizz. My point was I don't think it's fair to judge someone by just chat logs and maybe one or two encounters alone. Did not intend to be so harsh Sent from my iPhone using Tapatalk
  15. DarkPaladinPrime

    DENIED ᴰᴳᴺ DD's Mod App

    Hello DD1 I have not had the chance to get on TF2 and see you in game but from what I have seen so far on the forums you seem like a decent fella. Good Luck on your application! You may have business for shitting on them but no one likes to be shit on. I understand that you stopped being a mod...
  16. DarkPaladinPrime

    Hey there! I'm DD

  17. DarkPaladinPrime

    Hey there! I'm DD

    Hi, welcome to the forums!
  18. DarkPaladinPrime

    clash of clans

    I get this message when I try to send the invite Sent from my iPhone using Tapatalk
  19. DarkPaladinPrime

    I ate too much ham

    I ate too much ham