The inspiration is there, as i play source i see more and more clans change to GO, whether it be a rotation server, or a 24/7 office server, how well they do after they switch is a different story, it takes a big clan fo fill a empty 32 man server.
Hi Skip! Welcome to the Forums, If you ever want to chill and play some games, hit me up, Im a source(and recently GoldSrc) Guy aswell, Been wanting to play some CS 1.6, DoD:S and some CSS.
Pretty Boy Pistol is good now, Razorback idk how that will work out, No one will use the GRU still.
Other than that, I hope they add hats that have stats again.
Like the Private Eye+Nine Pipe Problem.
or the Fruit Shoot+Huntsman.
Played Terraria alot, never tried Starbound, interesting concept, but for darkly i dont know, might be one of those minecraft server reboot scenarios, people want it, they just dont play on it.