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  1. PointsofAuthority

    Speculations on TF2 Case systems

    Latest TF2 Blogpost We've been working on ways to improve our case system and want to share some changes that are coming with the Pyro update. Our two primary goals are to simplify the case-opening process, so it's easy to determine the specific content (unusuals, bonus drops, etc.) that come...
  2. PointsofAuthority

    DENIED _Captain Vor_ Staff Application

    Try not to double post, you can hit the reply button for one post and again for another in the same reply.
  3. PointsofAuthority

    READ ME Darkly Gaming TF2 Saxton Hale/Freak Fortress Server.

    Personally I think that map is too big and gives the players too much of an advantage, it's also a timewaster considering the cap point breaks occasionally and people are forced to sit and wait for the hale or players to do something. vsh_dustshowdown_final:
  4. PointsofAuthority

    Didn't put steam id on my donation.

    @Tick Tock Man @Rei You don't have to donate again as far as I know, this is just a common mishap, Someone with powers will eventually set you up.
  5. PointsofAuthority

    DENIED _Captain Vor_ Staff Application

    I know it's early to judge but this guy has a great head on his shoulder's, Very friendly, Active+Uses his Mic, Very Helpful, and Plays on a Server other than #2. If your worried or nervous about your age, just remember this important message that goes for all the Younger Applicants: we make...
  6. PointsofAuthority

    BANNED Total Crane- Heavy Boxing Runner

    He Agreed to Heavy Box 5 ref Against Captain Vor, they both agreed to Box, Original was the admin that teleported both of them up there. Runner: Total Crane | steamname: Total Crane | steam3ID: [U:1:116007928] | steamID32: STEAM_0:0:58003964 | steamID64...
  7. PointsofAuthority

    DENIED Charlie-HeavyBoxing runner

    So Captain Vor asked this dude to heavybox 1 ref(Charlie) the runner in question accepted, i teleported both of them to the roof, it was best 2/3 and Vor won Runner: Charlie | steamname: charlie51135 | steam3ID: [U:1:182594908] | steamID32: STEAM_0:0:91297454 | steamID64...
  8. PointsofAuthority

    DGN TF2 Discord

    Original Credits and Idea go to @14bux For some reason theres this other discord where the rest of the Darkly Community hangs out, but most of the traffic on the forums is the TF2 players nowadays. For some reason there is two Darkly Discords, but were slowly going...
  9. PointsofAuthority

    READ ME Darkly Gaming TF2 Saxton Hale/Freak Fortress Server.

    This is the idea for the future, but for now we want to try Freak Fortress. If we manage to get enough donation/incentive a Rotation Pub would be a excellent idea.
  10. PointsofAuthority

    Hey I'm new here ^_^

    Hello, and welcome to the forums.
  11. PointsofAuthority

    DENIED Spice Master's Staff Application

    Your SteamID should look something like this: STEAM_0:1:195610300 Yes that is your SteamID, Good Luck, We'll be watching. :coffeel:
  12. PointsofAuthority

    READ ME Darkly Gaming TF2 Saxton Hale/Freak Fortress Server.

    We tried to do this before on Server 3 if im not mistaken, Except there wasn't a voting system, needless to say it wasn't very popular. I think Haze put it on badwater for like a week and I think the most I saw in there was 10 people, we also tried Turbine and the only time it was full is when...
  13. PointsofAuthority

    READ ME Darkly Gaming TF2 Saxton Hale/Freak Fortress Server.

    Just a clear reminder this post can be commented on at anytime, as it is a Huge Project for Darkly, Suggestions, Ideas, and Feedback are welcomed at anytime
  14. PointsofAuthority

    BANNED Ambo-Walls/Aimlock?

    | steamname: ambo | steam3ID: [U:1:453191890] | steamID32: STEAM_0:0:226595945 | steamID64: | customURL: | steamrep: Current Ban...
  15. PointsofAuthority

    AIDS Kyle "Aimbot" Korver

    His ingorant nature and behavior has been noted in the past. after a 6 month ban he continues to still cause problems.
  16. PointsofAuthority

    READ ME Darkly Gaming TF2 Saxton Hale/Freak Fortress Server.

    This is just an Example post. Vagineer: Map(WeaponsDepot): Also if someone could Pin this, or tag it as Discussion/Read Me, that would be great.
  17. PointsofAuthority

    READ ME Darkly Gaming TF2 Saxton Hale/Freak Fortress Server.

    So since Server #3 is a ghost town, there has been discussion on whether or not to make Server #3 into a Saxton Hale/Freak Fortress Server. This server will be completely different than the Darkly TF2 Trade Servers, Most of the rules and policies of DGN will still apply, except they wont be...
  18. PointsofAuthority

    DENIED Jared's Staff Application

    :notsure: I'm Watching you. Good luck. If your worried about your age, Just remember we make Exceptions for Exceptional People.
  19. PointsofAuthority

    Hey, I'm New Here :)

    Hello and Welcome to the Forums. Keskele is the DSG, Local Scrub, and Hooker.
  20. PointsofAuthority

    BANNED Jjr-Aimbot

    | steamname: jjrskkhu | steam3ID: [U:1:451921203] | steamID32: STEAM_0:1:225960601 | steamID64: | customURL: | steamrep: Current Ban...