When do y'all play?


DARKLY Regular
So I've been server-ing for a while and I barely play with a bunch of you guys on the forums. What time do you usually get on?

Since i'm a boring 9-5 worker bee, I'm usually on every other day (at least) around 10ish.


TD Admin
5-10 on weekdays. Weekends, I could be on any time between 5:00 p.m. Friday and 9:45 p.m. Sunday.

Stan Radner

DARKLY Regular
I'm on randomly. Work and other activities keep me busy during the week days. On the weekend I'm usually home until around 5pm


TD Member
Sometimes on weekday evenings, but I am usually on Fridays 8pm to very late (1-2am) and on weekends in the morning and evenings.


TD Member
usually playing ranked because our server is packed to gills with people constantly.

but Im usually playing CS between 8pm and 11 pm on week nights and at any time of day during the weekends