Tribes 3


TD Admin
I will find out. I imagine since its free they are going to do something to earn money off it, which means they probably want to control the servers.


Staff member
Fuck yea I loved this game way back when.
But I totally forgot what the point was?


Staff member
It was a team based FPS...probably some sort of checkpoint or flags to capture

Oh? I just remember doing alot baserape and bombing around in the different vechles.

Were the maps huge? I remember them being fairly large.


TD Admin
Yea the maps were huge and the gameplay was team FPS based around controlling points throughout the map I think. Not sure if it was tickets. I think there were multiple game modes. Kind of like Unreal Tournament + Quake mashed into one with vehicles.

I loved tribes when I was younger then it kind of just faded out. I'm gonna check this out when I get home.


Staff member
I remember playing tribes 2 and then BF1942 came out and no one gave a shit.


TD Member
a heads up for anyone coming in, if you like the game or some shit on facebook you get 250 of the stroe currency off the bat. i used it to unlock a clzass but it seems to be more effitient to use it to buy one of the other guns

also my in game name is TDClash add me for quickoin options and shit

.44 caliber

TD Admin
yea, i remember tribes. Never understood it either, just tried to steal flags and blow shit up. Played this and a lot of unreal tournament back then.