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    Be good to each other.

This is why there is Hate.


A Little Darkly
Sadly, you just described purgatory lol.

Sorry for being so serious! What the hell is wrong with me LOL


2012 Troll of the Year
I'm actually an atheist that worships old USB cords.

All glory be to to old USB cord.

OG buckshot jr

TD Admin
I don't see why any sort of religion has to take part in this at all.... If no one was out crying and complaining at the Cross being a symbol of hope when the Towers first fell, why now? If the great people of New York City see it as a symbol of what they've overcome, than great - let them have it, no?

In my opinion, I think the Athiest group are there just because they can be there... just to cause a stir and hopefully gather a few more followers (wait, followers... and the "athiest" in the picture in the news article seems to be wearing a brown robe, almost like a sort of religi-... noooo, could it be?) hahaha Fuckin idiots, they're just another 'faith'.

dead mike

TD Member, Legend, Puncher of Faces, Chatbox King
i see it as maximum trollin, i read somewhere when jesus actually comes back he is going to break the cross.