TD | Membership Application

E|ement^ #Torontogaming

DARKLY Regular
Game Handle(s):E|ement^
Steam ID:STEAM_1:1:3102758
Previous Clan/Community Affiliations: many through the years of CS most recently, DARKLY currently
Real First Name: Razzy Black
Location:Toronto, On
Favorite Games:CSGO
Interests:Pest control, Tech, cooking, camping, social partying
Why do you want to join Toronto Darkly? seem like a great group to join, local teammembers for the most part. Good server, active community.

YES/NO Questions:

Do you have a minimum of 6 months on the server with at least 200 hours of play? Working on it, I dont expect this application to go through until then. I have 81 hours between the two servers at time of posting

aka No

Are you active on the forums? you be the judge of that, I feel yes

Do you have a mic? yes

Are you in good standing with the community? yes

Are you at least 18 years of age? yes


TD Admin
I worked hard to be considered to get where I'm trying to go... it took a lot of this :brains247: and a little bit of that :ilovecocks:. But I endured!
I'm also proud to be up for consideration as the new low bar for TD membership, replacing current low bar, Thanatos.

:awyeah:BLASPHEMY! But yea.. go CARNS! @Carns good shit dude, I +1 that TryHard.. I'm working on my 200 hrs.. I'm over half way there. Trying to get 20/ish hrs a week.
Thanks! I don't know if this will carry any weight since we're still nobodies, but the TryHards are going to invade TD! +1 for Element!