DENIED TD| Membership Application: ShootToMaim™

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TD Admin

Maim, I've played with you for awhile, and even had you on steam friends, however I've added you twice and deleted you twice.
Because I find you extremely annoying, I think you are a fun guy for sure, and you're having fun, great.
But when I'm trying to just relax and chill the fuck out, you're there constantly talking to me, and calling me out, even if my name is changed.

However, what really bugs me, is that when you do join, you start spamming the mic, and proceed to purposely teamblock me. And guess what, its not funny.

On a side note, if you didnt do all that shit, you're definitely an active darkly participant, and I WOULD have plus one'd you.



It's just KtS_'s reactions that are funny IMO xD. But, hey, I stopped a while ago.
Anyways........ the opinions in this thread are like chicken in a KFC variety bucket... very interesting.
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