Stupidity in TF2


Senior TF2 Admin
So, I finally got TF2 reinstalled on my new computer. First message I see: "u don't no shit". Now I remember how TF2 works. Oh, and apparently keys are at 6 ref now?


Retired Scrub
So, I finally got TF2 reinstalled on my new computer. First message I see: "u don't no shit". Now I remember how TF2 works. Oh, and apparently keys are at 6 ref now?

As soon as keys got to 5.33, I swore off buying and selling keys for metal. 6 ref for a key is fucking ridiculous. I'm hanging onto as much metal as possible so when the keys do crash, as I believe they will, I will be able to afford them at a more reasonable price.
As soon as keys got to 5.33, I swore off buying and selling keys for metal. 6 ref for a key is fucking ridiculous. I'm hanging onto as much metal as possible so when the keys do crash, as I believe they will, I will be able to afford them at a more reasonable price.

What price cap are you expecting on keys anyways? To be honest, I don't see them EVER going down. Maybe 1-2 scrap, but not crashing.


Retired Scrub

Fuck the economy and all who manipulate it.

I appreciate the idea of, but I cannot appreciate the administration in any capacity. The obvious favoritism is just pathetic and it's corrupting what I once thought of as a useful tool. I still use it, but if the price suggestion for the item was approved with less than 75% (anything more is unrealistic...), I disregard it. Even though this is a video game, I still find myself genuinely disappointed by the corruption. I like to believe the best in people, but I can only see greed in those over at



DARKLY Middleman
I said it before and I'll say it again, this entire trading economy is SHIT, it's just a simple cash cow for people wanting to make enormous amounts of profit. Trader Empire, aka Spreadsheet was taken down because it grew too big and everyone quoted it, now has taken it's place, and yet no one is complaining because of it's obvious greed driven, but flawed transparency, something that all the idiots don't seem to realize. Well, I hope they enjoy the rising prices, because while it was one of the leading factors for high amounts, it will not be the sole reason that prices continue to raise.

TF2 was first, then DOTA 2, eventually we'll be seeing CS:GO join the future, yet nothing will improve, with all the money exchanging hands and being spent on pixels, it's going to keep getting worse and worse, until something puts a stop to it, which what that will be, I have no idea.


TD Admin
See I have gotten into the unusual business but the only problem is, as the price of keys rises, the other items in the game have to adjust to it so therefore they drop in value. I am amazed at how bad the Tf2 economy has gotten over a short period of time.


Senior TF2 Admin
One thing I've noticed, and everyone else probably has: it's not the key's fault for everything, it's the metal. In fact, recently people have been trading craft hats for less. Even if ref's price only changes by $.05, the entire community can fall apart, since everything is based on metal.

Another key change 5 hours ago...