BANNED STEAM_0:1:31124008 Dave the Manly is a scammer BEWARE

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Hi I was recently on one of the Darkly TF2 trade servers when Dave the Manly asked me if I would trade my metal for PayPal money.
I agreed and we went into trade he asked me for my PayPal name to seem legit and said when i click accept he would send the money so I did the trade went through and I waited for my money. It has been 1 week now and I still have no money so obviously he scammed me.

I gave him: 13 Reclaimed Metal, 1 Scrap Metal
What I received: $0.00
His Steam name: Dave the Manly
Link to his Steam account:
SteamID: STEAM_0:1:31124008

Thanks in advance.

Low Budget

DGN Staff
Staff member
Thanks for reporting this scammer. He will be banned.
Random question...Do you live in Markham by any chance?
This is why DARKLY has implemented the use of SteamRep+. You should only trade with people who you trust, if you're going to do a cash trade, always use a middleman.

While I didn't witness it, you can report your scam at , there, they can see, if evidence is satisfactory, to initiate a Ban that would not only remove him from DARKLY but ALL Trade Servers connected to SteamRep+

Here's the person's information.
steamID: Dave the Manly
steamID32: STEAM_0:1:31124008

Unfortunately, I can't see any Metal in your backpack since the 20th, if you could go on your profile, Inventory, Inventory History, you should be able to see the items traded and to who it was traded to.

The link will look like this. You can click mine but it won't work, it has to be your ID.

Thanks for letting us know, I'll be watching him.


DARKLY Regular
Its a shame that happened. :| Honestly like jakksllves said, next time you should make sure to have middleman. Transactions usual go much easier that way.
Once a scammer, always a scammer.

RIP a boss.

Here's the final thread.

He's attempting to appeal it.

Since SR marked him, its in their jurisdiction. Hopefully they'll ask us for our input (As no fucks are given), or the SR tag is changed to a DARKLY tag, which would then have him come to us to appeal it.
first of sorry if I'm necro'ing. I've dealt with dave before never traded with him but have interacted with a few times enough times to know he in general is a douche-canoe ill be sad if they lift his scammer mark and allow him back on servers... if they refer to you guys please give him the fullest of your authority. a few have us have been cautious of him because he sometimes tends to brag of amazing deals he gets.... which are looking less like deals and more like he scams them
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