SCAMMER Spycrab Runner spraitas1

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A Little Darkly
| steamname: spraitas1
| steamID32: STEAM_0:1:67445392
| steamID64:
| customURL:
| steamrep:

| steamname: HairyBerry :)
| steamID32: STEAM_0:1:83929132
| steamID64:
| customURL:
| steamrep:

| steamname: Darkly l HeyLookIt'sDaniel!
| steamID32: STEAM_0:0:68518498
| steamID64:
| customURL:
| steamrep:


Senior TF2 Admin
1. How is Hairy the victim? He wasnt even in here this morning.
2. You have no screenshots of the agreement
3. You have no screenshots of the inventory history showing nothing was traded
4. No chat logs (althought I looked through Spraits and there was nothing)

Please look at the guides or previous reports to get an idea on what is needed for a proper report.

I know hes a runner, Most people do. Why are people stupid enough to continue to crab him or not use a middleman... I mean, at some point it falls upon the victims to use common sense.


Senior TF2 Admin
If people know he's a runner, i agree that people should stop crabbing with him and it's their own fault.

That being said, if WE know he constantly runs, why is he still allowed on the servers?


Senior TF2 Admin
I was told it doesnt matter what we know. Its what we have proof of. So Ive just been going by that


A Little Darkly
1. How is Hairy the victim? He wasnt even in here this morning.
2. You have no screenshots of the agreement
3. You have no screenshots of the inventory history showing nothing was traded
4. No chat logs (althought I looked through Spraits and there was nothing)

Please look at the guides or previous reports to get an idea on what is needed for a proper report.

I know hes a runner, Most people do. Why are people stupid enough to continue to crab him or not use a middleman... I mean, at some point it falls upon the victims to use common sense.
If people KNOWS he runs why are reports denied even though many people, mods AND admins see him run


TD Admin
I have seen spraitas1 run a total of two times already, both times the victim refused to cooperate with me to get proper evidence. I understand that what is provided above is not completely solid evidence but isn't rough enough to issue a local ban? Why are we taking chances when so many people including staff have witnessed his actions?

I know I should not post my thoughts here but this is getting ridiculous and he is affecting the community drastically.

Edit: Just check out this chat log.


Senior TF2 Admin
The evidence that we have (or don't have) would not create a case against Spraitas past our servers. If you guys really want this guy to get what he supposedly deserves, then we need the proof to get rid of him. The info that Haze laid out in his initial response is vital. I know it's not always easy to get, but it's what ultimately gets the trash off the server.


Retired Scrub
I get the frustration you guys are feeling, but you have to understand where Haze is coming from. Gatherix asked me a question that really put the matter of proof in perspective for me.
If the accused (spraitas1) disputed his ban, would you be able to confidently defend your decision to ban him? If so, how can you back it up?

With these questions in mind, this report loses a lot of momentum. Yes, we KNOW he did it and the screenshots suggest it as well. But there is nothing solid saying he did do it.

On a side note, I find it concerning that the victim, who supposedly spycrabbed spraitas before and got scammed, decided to spycrab him again.


Death by Darkly
Witnesses are clearly defined as not evidence for scammer reports. HeyLookIt'sDaniel!, please review our report guidelines and report format requirements before posting any additional scammer reports.

The player has been banned from Darkly servers. No SteamRep scammer tag will be applied due to lack of evidence. Future scammer reports targeting said player for spycrabs must include sufficient evidence, including evidence of an agreement, of the alleged scammer leaving, and the victim's inventory history showing no wager has been received.

Report closed.
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