Holy attention span, there's another thread you guys can go to to QQ about that aug shit.
Anyway, I agree gunblade/genesis...I've been feeling like this the past few months, 2 min or for less of a drastic change, 2 and a half minutes.
Also, I've heard from a few regulars saying how long the rounds are. And there are similiar set-up servers 30-32/noawpauto/FF with even 2 minute rounds and it is MUCH more enjoyable.
If you watch the rounds, you'll see generally there's a guy with a 100 hp(meaning they didnt even try to pick or they're the best ever) still lurking opposite side of the map from the bomb, at around 2 minutes. There is usually about 3-4 people left, by 10 seconds later, there will be this ONE guy. Who continues to look lost, and FREAKS OUT AND CROUCHES when he hears ANY NOISE.
We then continue to watch this epic shift+ctrl battle, for the next minute. While everyone who is dead is calling him/her(MUST NOT BE SEXIST) a fucking pussy.
This happens 75% of the time.
p.s. YA THIS IS WHY CSGO IS SHIT omgawd bring back css, YA TOTALLY MAN. ( Since someone's going to post this anyway)