Scrim Tourney?


TD Admin
I was thinking we could have a scrim tournment around the first of the year. I was think randomly generated 4-5 man teams would like to have atleat 4 -5 teams. double elimination. what do you guys think?

Low Budget

DGN Staff
Staff member
We have tried tourneys in the past with no success. But if you guys are serious about this, we can even include prizes for the winning team.

1) Need to plan it out well. Rules, Date and Time, Teams, Prizes, etc.

2) Need to have the commitment of all who plan on participating. No bailing at the last minute, if you don't think you can make it, don't sign up for it at all. Maybe have a mandatory deposit or buy in fee so that people are more likely to stay committed ($5 or $10 per person). If it is a deposit, it will be refunded to your paypal account after the tourney. If it is a buy-in, the money will be used for prizes.

3) We can set up an additional Scrim server(s) just for the event so that we can have multiple scrims going on at the same time, in which case we can go through the tourney a lot faster. It can all take place in one day.

Let us know.


TD Admin
good idea lb, i'm down for scrim tourney forsure.

i think dates should be the next thing to plan. i'm not sure when people go back to school in the new year, but i think some time before then?


TD Admin
Sounds good LB, glad to see i will have some support on this. I'll present a plan in the coming days see what everyone thinks

.44 caliber

TD Admin
Everybody pays $3 admission

breakdown: $2 goes to the pot and $1 dollar goes to community donation

winning team gets the pots divided evenly?

I'm in.


-CAL rules, 5v5, etc.
-allow people pick their own teams because this could draw in so many more people.
-limit tournament to one map so legit strats can be planned and everyone is on the same level.


TD Member
cuz having dust2 everytime is exciting. if going by CAL rules, why not have a variety of their maps. atleast have a vote on map choice(s)


TD Admin
So this is what i have come up with:


Date / Time: TBD

$3 per person entry fee (donated to the server, this is how we will register. When you donate make a comment saying: this donation is for tourney)

I thnk to really make this worth it we need 8 teams of 4/5. We could run it with 4 teams but the more the better. For single emlination tourmnet we need 4/8/12 teams, Double emlimantion we could run with 3/6/9/12 teams.

I was thinking there wil probally only be three rounds, i feel there should be a different map for each round.

MAPS (subject to change)
1st Round - D2
2nd Round - Nuke
Final Round - TBD by captian knife fight.

The winning team will take 2/3 of the pot to be split amongest themselves. (not quite sure how yet thats for LB to decide)
And the remain 1/3 will be donated to our awesome server for hosting this event for us.

We will need to do this on a day where people are free, I feel Saturday's are the best day to catch people off work. Also we will need a few admins who can spec. the server and run the rcon and zblock shit.

Before we get people signing up for this event we need a poll in here to see if it will even be worth trying. I think the poll should have a few options, opposed to yes or no. Mabey some way of seeing if the person answering the poll has a team or is a single, idk but i think just yes/no will not give us an acurate idea. I would like this tournment to be a chance to reach out to gamers outside of our community. I know a lot of us have friends that don't play on DARKLY, and i want them in on this tourment. EXPOSURE!!!

Thats my thoughts for now, anybody have any other ideas?


Staff member
I made a separate system for the tournament fee. Click donate on the main page and then for campaign select "Scrim Tournament"... If this tourny happens.

I will be in Florida from Jan 7th to February 16th so I will probably miss this. :(