Scrim Tourney?


TD Member
yaya I am down. I would like to see all maps set in advance.
and teams need to be picked early to get in some practice/strats.

we did do some 20man scrims a wile back and that was a ton of fun.


TD Admin
I made a separate system for the tournament fee. Click donate on the main page and then for campaign select "Scrim Tournament"... If this tourny happens.

I will be in Florida from Jan 7th to February 16th so I will probably miss this. :(

nice vacay ya ass, i was shooting for the 7th. i don't think the 31st of Dec. will work, but i could be wrong

.44 caliber

TD Admin
Yea, we should think about this for the new year cause im not gonna be able to commit to this until like mid january at the earliest now.


TD Admin
Yea, we should think about this for the new year cause im not gonna be able to commit to this until like mid january at the earliest now.

in all honesty i think this is going to take us a bit to get going, i would like to have it asap, but i know that won't happen. We just need to start organizing it right now, get a rough idea of how many are interested. than we can poll a couple of dates and see what works for the majority. We could wait for brades to come back, and just say that 2/18 is the day.

anyway i just want to keep pushing this idea, i feel that we could get a good thing going with the release of GO at some point next year. I have seen more and more people playing CS than usual, and want to take advantage of it.


TD Admin
Let's try to aim really high with this. See how many people we can pull into Darkly. Post it on forums and irc and reddit etc. We need to be legit though and really think it through.