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School Fuck Up?


TD Member
I have a tiny problem...

You see, last year, the way my timetable worked out to be was pretty lame. We have 4 classes in each semester, 2 semesters yadi yadi yada--guidance arranged my first semester with all of my electives:
Communication Technologies

Halfway through the semester I realised, &quot:oh shit. Wtf am I doing? I need to take Drama."
So I went through the trouble of booking an appointment with my guidance counselor.

Now, after a long painful discussion, we came to agree that dropping one of my first semester classes halfway through the semester wasn't such a brilliant idea, and also because I needed those courses. What ended up happening was a change to my second semester timetable which was originally as followed:
Civics/Career Studies
Canadian History

I ended up dropping Science because that was the only slot available for grade 10 Drama.
In doing so, this meant I had to somehow make up that credit by either
a) taking the course in summer school
or b) take it next year [this year]
Originally I decided to go ahead with taking Science in summer school and get this shit over with.
Then my bitch math teacher fails me because she fails to keep herself happy with her sex life.
Now I can't go for 2 courses because Science would require a month and the Math course is only 2 weeks but it would have overlapped with the Science course [Summer school only takes place during the month of July].

So here is my question [finally].

Next semester this year I have grade 10 Science [all my other classes in my correct grade] first thing in the morning. Period 1 class is 85 minutes whereas the other 3 periods of the day are only 70 minutes.
Should I stay in the class for 5 months, or drop it, take a spare [which I really need from all this fucking stress elsewhere] and spend a month in July in summer school?


TD Admin
summer school all the way, more chilllexing but that would fuck up your morning summer plan =P

as the online gamer would say: omg lag LAG, YOU fucking NOOB! you're getting POONED BOOM HEADSHOT! hate playing with girls. they're bunch of pussyfagnoobs. XD


TD Admin / Giant Faggot
you don't need a spare :P kids these days :P

seriously, take 5 classes, put a pause on some of the other stuff, pass them all, go on trip :P
spares are fun but summer break is better I'd just go for it now insted of putting it off. Besides from what I remember garde 10 science was almost like a spare.


TD Member
a spare dosnt help you out much with stress, its only a few hours each day you get to take off, usually it means an extra long lunch break, or you get to go home super early.

It is nice, but probly not worth giving up half your summer

But to negate my point, if you spent a month in summer school, you can also spend that month playing css after shool= Win!
WHOA, op is in highschool? lololol wtf? I thought u needed to be 19+ to be here? lol idk its morning I jsut woke up

dead mike

TD Member, Legend, Puncher of Faces, Chatbox King
grade 10 ftw no accountability for your actions, im honestly surprised i lived to my 16th birthday.

take the grade 10 mandatory courses you need in your 4th year you'll be the biggest kid in class. oh yeah i remeber taking mathmatics data management (MDM4U?), go for that it was grade 8 math for at least half the semster


TD Member
Mandy, take the class now. Look at it this way: you get it over and done with and out of your life, and if something were to happen with one of your other classes and you need that block of time again in the summer you now have it available; you're basically leaving your options open by taking it now.


Hacking Faggot
Options options options, honestly if I could go back I would have gotten a lot of shit over with before time. It will be worth it in the end =)
k so I am more awake now and I tried to read the op, not gonna lie its too long and I cannot focus on reading things that long, I think I got the gist of it tho.

kk so basically, do not take spares, highschool is a walk in the park (ymmv), if your behind and need to catch up, summer school is totally worth it as its pure hacks. But I heard they make a note of it on your transcript (idk) and yeah...

But like every 1 said, totally keep ur options open, that means take all sciences and maths if you can! Options open ftw!


TD Member
Taking the science and math classes is a good move. The options offered in highschool like art and drama are fun, but the people I know who have tried to make a career of them (and have taken them in post seondary) end up having to suppliment their "art" with other more mundane jobs to make ends meat. Thinking/planning long term will save you many, many future headaches. Short term planning is for the kids.
take a spare and chill it sounds like youre stressed out enough to justify it. alternatively go on a heroin binge and kill a hooker (brains)


TD Member
I say you slack off and take 5 extra years to do anything with you life, JUST LIKE ME! Get old, smoke pot, and remember the days when you had the energy to do something with your time :D


2012 Troll of the Year
Taking the science and math classes is a good move. The options offered in highschool like art and drama are fun, but the people I know who have tried to make a career of them (and have taken them in post seondary) end up having to suppliment their "art" with other more mundane jobs to make ends meat. Thinking/planning long term will save you many, many future headaches. Short term planning is for the kids.

you should long term me a plan to buy me beer, foolio. I have yet to meet anybody cool in TD (kidding, prop ;) )


TD Member
Mandy, take the class now. Look at it this way: you get it over and done with and out of your life, and if something were to happen with one of your other classes and you need that block of time again in the summer you now have it available; you're basically leaving your options open by taking it now.
yeah you make a great point.
i'll try it out for the first few weeks, see how much bullshit goes down.
thanks yo