BANNED Remake of BasePro's Report (Mic Spammer, Impersonation&Disrespecting Another and the Community)

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DARKLY Regular
Mic Spammer:
| steamname: hey its me...
| steamID32: STEAM_0:0:92676075
| steamID64:
| customURL:
| steamrep:

Everything @BasePro is is correct, he changed his name many times to show negativity against everyone on the server and myself while he was muted and gagged. For you guys that don't know, its Anthony. He's been banned before and yet hes back again. If you check his allies hes been asking for a ban. Also, he did impersonate 2 people (@DARKLY | DarkPaladinPrime and BasePro). A really cool guy on the server was recording the events when I wasn't on the server and what I've seen myself.

Chat Logs Here:

Video here:
I would like to thank Prime, Base Pro, and the recorder (Peeps) for the help and I'm sorry that you guys had to go through that


DARKLY Regular
*Additional Information* If I can estimate how what time hes doing this today, probably around 4:35 PM Eastern(before I joined) and on server #4
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