Post Your Top Scores!!!

Sorry if there was a previous thread like this.

Not trying to brag, just post some screen shots of some good runs you have had in the server!


More to come hehe :p


TD Admin
I witness MR get a score of 41 in a 10 man scrim...
was epic..

BTW go break ur own forums :D


TD Member
2 - 1

Scores, not odds of you joining the losing team :P <3
I guess everyone forgot when I pulled off the miracle on TD, and then wrote a book with a religion to follow.


I have an original SS from my comp, but too lazy to upload. Here is a SS Mandy posted of it.

That was almost a year ago.. I've been playing on TD for like 5 years now.. and then a total of like 12 for CS..

I Could have obtained multiple PHD's in that time.. but then I got high.. wait.. wrong song..


2012 Troll of the Year
i went 61-4 while at the same time jerking BJ off.
