How do you unban?
How do you give cash?
How do you change teams?
You can use admin_ commands in console or short verion commands preceding with an @ in chat:
admin_unban "STEAMID" without the quotes OR @unban "STEAMID"
admin_payct @payct AMOUNT M
Give AMOUNT dollars of cash to all Counter-Terrorist players.
Note: This command can also be typed at the server's console, or in HLSW, by prefixing it with say, for example:
say @payct 1000
admin_payt @payt AMOUNT M
Give AMOUNT dollars of cash to all Terrorist players.
Note: This command can also be typed at the server's console, or in HLSW, by prefixing it with say, for example:
say @payt 1000
admin_changeteam "name of player"
Further to that IMHO Beetels mod is far superior to mani in every aspect. The server seems to run better, we don't have cocksuckers flooding the server anymore and it is far more functional.