Plugins For Darkly Servers (TF2)


Are you guys still taking requests on commands? The F2P (not donor) commands are pretty limited as all the good commands give gameplay advantages and we wouldnt want a bunch of noobs running around spamming commands. However, the opportuninty for donor + admin commands is endless. I think that I, an many others, would be more compelled to donate if there were better commands (and advertisements for them.)
Honestly I think the commands are fine. I wouldn't request any more.
Double posting now...
I was wondering why there isn't a !votekick plugin on the server. It makes sense to have one because there are never any admins around when you need em, kinda like the police.
I was wondering why there isn't a !votekick plugin on the server. It makes sense to have one because there are never any admins around when you need em, kinda like the police.
Because it's prone to never works...and it's easier to take a demo and leave it with us? I've done that before I became an Admin, try viewing the Ban Appeals/Request sections for both TF2 and the main one. *But so help me god if you post on something...*


I was wondering why there isn't a !votekick plugin on the server. It makes sense to have one because there are never any admins around when you need em, kinda like the police.
They could just add me as an admin (wink wink nudge nudge jakk).
I'm kidding but in all honestly I've never seen any hackers or anything that a player can't solve, only screechers/mic spammers that a player can mute.