I'm New Here
"Nidelson" STEAM_1:1:21289594
Seems like every time i play this guy is afk for 3+ rounds right now on egons he has gone the entire t side afk (or atleast last 6 rounds didnt notice first 2) which lost us 1 round where he had the bomb and we couldnt plant. Not sure if a bans in order or maybe an admin just needs to let him know the servers always full and if he isnt going to play then he needs to leave.
Seems like every time i play this guy is afk for 3+ rounds right now on egons he has gone the entire t side afk (or atleast last 6 rounds didnt notice first 2) which lost us 1 round where he had the bomb and we couldnt plant. Not sure if a bans in order or maybe an admin just needs to let him know the servers always full and if he isnt going to play then he needs to leave.