new map

Yo just wondering if you guys wanna consider de_mlitia as a map on TD map rotation. Its a great map even if some people disagree with me.
Dude its so similar to like season and stuff I don't get why some maps are fine and some arn't, its slightly t sided but not much more then most other maps. And as for camping, Spinny, the objective for ct's are to protect bombsites which is easiest dont if you are in them!!! Or random fag campers...

OG buckshot jr

TD Admin
Yo just wondering if you guys wanna consider de_mlitia as a map on TD map rotation. Its a great map even if some people disagree with me.



Former TD Member
The map is on the map rotation...It like Italy (The country and the map) are shit and ever gets voted in due to its one sided nature.


TD Admin

Map has been played many times in the past with the result in a dead server

-It is completely T sided
-Our timer is too short for CTs to adequately rescue hosties
-It is completely T sided
-It looks nice, but plays like shit for some ppl on dated computers
-It is completely T sided


TD Member
Oh and it's completely T sided.

Just thought I'd throw that in there, y'know, incase you didn't know.
wow chill peoples! always so quick to hurt my feelings!!! Was just asking about it, but yeah totally was forgeting the hosties and the cs_.
The maps I actually have been meant to ask for were de_inferno_pro, de_tides, and possibly de_boston, its really big though... There is this one map that I totaly forgot what was called and is like the best.. but yeah just thinking of maybe throwing a couple more decent good maps in pub that everyone can enjoy =D
i think tides would be a bit small.... maybe just me but that map can turn into a shit storm like nothin else with a small lil 5 on 5... de_boston hahah now that would be awesome but i think that could clear a server out.

OG buckshot jr

TD Admin
One @ a time peoples... you know what happens when we add more than 1 map - people wet the bed.

I'd recommend throwing up spinny's new map suggestion first because:
- It's NEW (not an old map we took off and want to replay)
- he was first :D
Yo just wondering if you guys wanna consider de_mlitia as a map on TD map rotation. Its a great map even if some people disagree with me.

Hostage maps = fail... I have yet to play a good hostage map. I miss VIP maps =(