• Welcome to DARKLY's Community Forums, Guest

    If you're new around here, feel free to post a quick thread introducing yourself to the other community members.



A Little Darkly
Hey guys,
The name is Killomatic, but you can call me Killo for short if you'd like.
I've been a fan of the TD community for a long while, played on CS:S and TF2 servers with you guys off and on for years now. Not sure if I've really made myself a known entity or not during that time.

I'm currently a member of OBC (Old Bastards Clan), and have been for quite a while. But unfortunately the ranks have been more or less split, and in the process has lost everything that made it a community worth being a part of. Lately I've been playing CS:GO quite a bit, and I don't even turn the game on if I can't jump in with you all. So I figure I might as well say hello to those that don't know me yet, and take this opportunity to make a few friends.

I'll be on the server when I'm in a gaming mood, and on steam more or less whenever I'm home (even if I'm not physically at the computer). So please feel free to give me a shout, or add me on steam if you'd feel inclined to do so. Looking forward to meeting you all, cheers for now.


TD Admin
Welcome to our forums/servers Killo. If you love to laugh and have fun, then Toronto Darkly is the place to be.