[IDEA] MVM Server


DARKLY Regular
What if we brought the Upgrade shop to the Trade Rawr! (And the bots? Well. I'll let you guys decide). Looking more into the func_upgradestation brush. Hopefully it does what im thinking.


TF2 Admin
Basically it entails getting 14 shot clips of rocket launcher, near immunity, marked for death effects, slow effects and assorted other fun stuff. Maybe there could be a separate section on one of the trade rawr servers for MvM type stuff (like having a upgrade station and getting upgrades for killing other players)? :P


DARKLY Regular
Now that Valve fixed the tank_boss entity, their is much to be done!
Ive been messing around with how the tanks pathing routes are controlled, and when deploy is called. It turns out it follows a set of ents placed on the map and that chooses the route it will take. Good thing is they can be created on-demand with a plugin. So no mapping has to be done, like they did on the official MvM maps.

If this gets enough votes, I might just code a Tank Mini-game for the trade rawr servers, and hopefully Brades approves. (Must be voted to start the mini-game. It wont start randomly)


Staff member
I talked to Brades about this a while ago, I think the CPU usage is too high for us to support it. =\