Girlfriend is getting me a new mouse for the birthday .. NAGA or? : O


Future Ban List Occupant
started with the 510
replaced the 510 with the 518 4 years later
now and I think... I wont have to change for awhile all the buttons and comfort I need .


TD Member
get this. costs about the same
[nsfw] [/nsfw]
then you can buy a million mice with all the money you save


Future Ban List Occupant
Interesting, you said it was a wall hack yesterday in game.

No I said if you ever played mw3 on PC it's impossible to get a game with out getting shot through the wall by someone. then you said "oh every one wall hacks so you have to do it to" but I didn't.

again you only have to watch me it isn't hard to see I am legit hell to be honest I suck compared to how I good I used to be.