Community Workshop ~ Eerie Flames Effect!


DARKLY Regular
So Halloween is right around the corner, that means Scream Fortress 2! (Or whatever silly name they call it) Just today they put the Halloween maps back up and I did some looking around and found this cool effect someone made. It is the E.O.F. effect except as normal flames. I think it looks rad and could possibly be priced more then the normal Burning TC that has now jumped in price drastically.

Thoughts, Opinions?

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DARKLY Regular
Looks good imo, but apparently it's not compatible with tf2... Any idea why?


TD Admin
Too much like Purple Energy in my opinion. Don't think it will sell for nearly as much as the Burning Team Captain did at a whopping 540 buds.

New effects = more money for Volvo

(Looks cool though)
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Senior TF2 Admin
Too much like Purple Energy in my opinion. Don't think it will sell for nearly as much as the Burning Team Captain did at a whopping 540 buds.

New effects = more money for Volvo

(Looks cool though)
I don't even know what you would get for getting your effect put on halloween hats.
I know that regular people get community items, but what about effects?
Anyway, not sure if this will be put in. Good luck to him though, I'm sure he put some time into that.