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TD Member
sorry to hear Olst, I know what you mean about being in a situation where you're so detached from a family member who is dying that you just feel numb shock that feel closer to them when they're dying than you did when they were alive. I guess what we can take from this is to treat the people you cherish in your life better because they could be dead tomorrow.


TD Admin / Queerbécois
She's gone. my mom came to my job at my lunch break to give the news.
She was way stronger than we thought and lasted,sorry to Say that, too long. At least, she wont suffer anymore. ):


2012 Troll of the Year
I'm sorry to hear this news Olst. I have nothing helpful to say, but you have my condolences.


TD Admin
I know how you feel as I lost my mother just recently. At my mother's funeral, I said there is no good byes as you'll always be in my heart everywhere I go. When I have a moment I put my hand over my heart and I can feel her presence beside me and it make me feel better. Good memories never fade. My condonlences, Olst.

Dr. Zoidberg

TD Admin
yes, my mother was also just diagnosed with stage 2 breast cancer (she already lost her left breast to cancer 4 years ago)

Dr. Zoidberg

TD Admin
and i already lost my foster dad to malignant brain tumors, they went to operate and found more on the underside of his brain that they were unable to treat. He lost all sense of himself and talked jiberish. the sadist thing i had ever gone thru. my parents abandoned me and my sister when i was 6 and kept my other two brothers. my foster dad (ken) took me in out of the kindness of his heart. i was very lucky to have him in my life. it's not fair...


TD Admin / Queerbécois
and i already lost my foster dad to malignant brain tumors, they went to operate and found more on the underside of his brain that they were unable to treat. He lost all sense of himself and talked jiberish. the sadist thing i had ever gone thru. my parents abandoned me and my sister when i was 6 and kept my other two brothers. my foster dad (ken) took me in out of the kindness of his heart. i was very lucky to have him in my life. it's not fair...

Nothing is fair in life. What happens happens and we must go through whatever it is.


TD Admin / Wanker
Sorry to hear Olst, lifes a bitch some times
My Nan has recently given up on her Chemo and has decided to just let the Cancer do its stuff
Her halfway scan showed signs of shrinking but her most recent scan showed no change at all :/