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TD Admin / Queerbécois
Just learned that one of my aunt will die in a couple of weeks, if not days...

We knew that she had cancer 3 weeks ago with her 37809784 exams to prove it.
She was rushed to the hospital 2 days ago by her doctor and the wound she had on her leg is now gangrene.

I wasn't close to her since she lived in Montreal and I live in the woods. But it's still a big hit to the mood.

I'm gonna be rude on this one, but at least, she won't suffer anymore when she's gonna pass away.


TD Admin / Wanker
Sorry to hear about your Aunt, it's always hard even if you aren't close to them.
I had an aunt that killed herself, I never went to visit her in hospital but now that she's gone, I kinda wish I did.
Just to say goodbye at least.

My Nan has Cancer.
She's undergoing treatment at the minute but there is no guarantee that she will get better because she left it for so long that's its taken over in most parts of her body.

The doctor said that the treatment is only going to help her live slightly longer, but only a few months at best.
It stops in January, and if it's shrunk the growth a little she will carry on with it. If not, she's just going to leave it and let herself die.

Either way, she will eventually die from it, it's just a matter of how long she has left.


TD Admin / Queerbécois
yeh, it sucks.
We cannot do anything anyway. Just hope that she won't suffer anymore.


TD Admin / Wanker
Honestly the worst part for me is that I wish I lived close enough to just pop around and help out when they need it.
Not being able to help as much as I want too feels quite bad.

WARNING: Non-Serious content below.


TD Admin
Always sucks to have a friend or family member have cancer. Best wishes for ur aunt, if recovery is impossible i hope the palliative care helps ease her pain


Staff member
Really sorry to hear about this Olst,
My father went through a little over a year of chemo and tests.
It's humbling situation, and frustrating to watch when you really just want to help.


TD Admin
Life is indeed unfair at times. Sorry to hear about it Olst. Hopefully her passing is painless.


TD Admin
Cancer sucks. I lost my dad when i was 16.

edit: clearly didnt read the OP very well.
sorry for my derp.


Future Ban List Occupant
Sorry to hear Olst, lost my dad in 2007 to cancer. Seems that no matter what caution you take, you never really control what happens in the end with this terrible disease. Embrace family and try to Spend the time you can with her. My Thoughts are with her.


2012 Troll of the Year
Sorry to hear mate, my aunt just survived advanced breast cancer, by the time they caught it. It was a whole new lease on her life.

Life is extremely fleeting.