OG buckshot jr
TD Admin
well Steve.. it really won't affect anything but us lol
BUT STILL... those french might move Hockey Night in Canada to another night or something... TREASON!!
But seriously, Leadfoot's right man... this could SERIOUSLY end up in catastophe for Canada if we don't act/speak/something. This might be a little under the radar at the moment, however if we don't act now it might be too late by the time it DOES surface as a real issue.
BUT STILL... those french might move Hockey Night in Canada to another night or something... TREASON!!
But seriously, Leadfoot's right man... this could SERIOUSLY end up in catastophe for Canada if we don't act/speak/something. This might be a little under the radar at the moment, however if we don't act now it might be too late by the time it DOES surface as a real issue.