Canada's critical IT systems at risk -- sort of...


DARKLY Regular
No, I just moved here. When can I expect my welfare cheque?

lol. It's funny cuz it's true.

Personally, you sound like you're from Toronto / GTA to me.

I think you've hit the nail on the head to be honest. Lots of Canadians think that we live in an Utopian society, probably because they've never BEEN anywhere else that has a comparable quality of living. (No, the United States doesn't count, because it is only in comparison to that toilet that we ARE a Utopian society.)


Drinking your tears
Yeah @ Ghett0 ... for a majority budget, given that it's the first one, and alllllllllllllllllll that time for the voting masses to forget any slash and burn that could make Yr4 bribes affordable, (typical any government type move), it was surprising meek and boring. The only item that was both bold and detailed, was the killing of the penny (wow, $12M a year for pennies! omg) ... any thing else that was bold had no details... and if detailed, was boring.

I understand a steady hand on the tiller, blah blah blah, but this was more asleep at the helm. I do like the public pensions now 50/50 employee/employer contribution, but for me it's not really a change. CRA pensions currently are 49.5/50.5, and I will gladly pay that last .5% for a good pension... shoot, I'd pay 60/40 if needs be. I could be making more outside of government, but the security of doing a great job is very nice. (in recent news, I received both an Exceeds and a 1 year extension on my acting level while waiting for the process I passed to be opened to my Branch)

I am not so sure Bob Rae is the right fit for Liberal leadership, but I don't see a strong alternative quite yet. Also, I am impressed with Mulcair's French skills, but he's a little strong on rhetoric, even comparing to Layton, so I will have to wait to see how the next 4 years work out for him.

On another note, it's sickening how low voter turnout is. I suggest that if you do not vote in 2 consecutive elections, your right to vote is removed.


DARKLY Regular
Makes sense about voting. The people who bitch the most never vote, and the sad fact is, the politicans count on that. They complain about how politicians "don't care about them". Well, yeah. They don't care about you because THEY DON'T VOTE!

If you don't shop at my store, do I give a fuck about your criticisms of it? Getting a vote is the best part about living in a free and democratic society; you actually HAVE A SAY in how your country is run if you choose to use it. Why people don't use it blows my mind. Then again, my mother wouldn't vote if I didn't drag her out, and she votes for whoever I tell her too, so what does that tell you about Canadians? Most of them don't care, and the ones who do are lemmings. :S


Drinking your tears

dead mike

TD Member, Legend, Puncher of Faces, Chatbox King
when u dont vote it helps expedite business, therefore good for the economy. :headbang: that said, i still get my vote in there, i've always experienced voting stations less then 500m to where i am living, usually i am disappointed with the choices, i heard a bunch of tough talk on you tube from elizabeth may regarding the imf, twas awesome, but when it came to televised debates she talked about other things, fuckin bitch
I wish Canada would become more stable, its not bad but it could be better. Can't wait to get back home, lets hope politics don't come up with another mindfuck.