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BoOze Discussion Thread - which booze is best ?

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TD Admin, Chicken Licker, Top Shelf Sleeper
mmm,m im staring 2nd round with the single malt Bowmore :)


TD Admin, Chicken Licker, Top Shelf Sleeper
guys... what im really looking for is
"single malt scotch topic"

for all the noobs out there, the drunk u get from hi-grade scotch is like drugs !!! pure euphoria+energy !!! epic..worth every penny !


TD Admin
Beer: Heiny, Brahma, Steam Whistle, and StrongBow*

Liquor: Sauza, Greygoose (pretty much the only vodka I'll drink -- I've had bad experiences with vodka), Chivas, Johnny Walker (black usually), screwdriver, rum+coke

* - I know StrongBow isn't exactly a beer, but it doesn't fill me up like beer does hence I'm not a big beer person


TD Admin, Chicken Licker, Top Shelf Sleeper
old soviet hangover cure - go to you fridge and take a few sips of pickle juice :) fixed me up nice just now .
ahaha yea it makes you puke up your own damn feet is what it does :P

how is a brandy drunk? iv never been drunk on it, but i think its gunna be my new favorite drink ^.^


TD Admin, Chicken Licker, Top Shelf Sleeper
brandy is great ! its like a cheap ass cognac... very nice drunk, warm, happy drunk. rough hangover though :( . my fav is Metaxa 5 star ... 7 star is ok too, but 5 star better.


TD Member
Southern Comfort 100 Proof, straight shots w/ green tea as a chaser = No hangovers. Hard hitting drunk, generally causes people to get violent. You might wake up with a headache, but its cause you got into a fight, not because of the liquor.

Rikalof Vodka (cheap shit) + Mountain Dew OR Fanta Pineapple = Occasional hangovers. Fun and relaxed drunk, my friends and I generally feel like we have more energy when we drink this, and i always skate around drunk. The drunk is controllable if you need to be calm.

Captain Morgan's Tattoo + Red Bull = Creeping drunk. You drink and drink and you don't feel anything at first, then after the energy drinks wear off, you get hit with it like a truck. The most fun drunk i have ever had is with this combination, but make sure your morning is free the next day. Hangover imminent!


TD Admin
After the holidays, I've gotten a new fave booze. Single Malt Scotches. Had some Glenfiddich 12 year and it was amazing. Super smooth, awesome flavour, great finish and warming. On sale @ LCBO for $43 something right now.

Then I tried the Glenfiddich 21 Yrs at my friends, and it was even better! Single Malt all the way. Too bad 21 yrs is like $100+ or something :(


TD Admin
the mom loves that glenfiddich. i like it to but its to fuckin expensive. im a rye drinker myself.
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