First off, everything is backed by nothing. There is nothing out there that isn't just as worthless as Bitcoin, we give these things value. Bitcoin is actually backed by everything. Bitcoin is being traded in every currency out there, gold, silver, oil, and now stocks and futures. As far as the ups and downs of Bitcoin, they follow the ups and downs for the inception of any similar thing, whether it is a new currency, the Iraqi Stock Exchange, or whatever. There is a period when the innovators invest, and build up, then the early adopters, and then it goes mainstream. I still think the value of Bitcoin can drop considerably, but that's because there are currently more and more miners coming online, and those people mining are selling their Bitcoin to cover their expenses. The price is as high as it is now because of speculators, but even if it drops to $40, it still does its job. Most vendors immediately turn received Bitcoin into cash, so there is little to no loss there. Some of the main reasons for the jumps and drops in value were actually because of hackers. There was primarily one exchange that held the lion's share of Bitcoin trading, over 70%, that is Mt. Gox. Hackers attacked the exchange to cause tremendous jumps in value for their advantage. Since that time more exchanges have opened, and many are implementing safeguards to prevent such attacks again. Since Mt. Gox has implemented their own safeguards, the price has leveled off and we haven't seen any huge, quick changes in price. (People tried arguing that this was regulation, and that they thought we wanted a free market, those are just the haters who disapprove of a true free market, stopping hackers is not regulation.) As far as inflation goes, that's exactly the point of Bitcoin, no inflation at all. Inflation is why the value of the dollar in your pocket is plummeting. It is why the economy is crashing, you can't just print more money to make up for a poor budget. Realize that people like Krugman (a nut all his own) wanted to mint a trillion dollar coin. What a great idea, that's why we didn't do it, because immediately after doing so the value of the dollar would crash. What is sad is now that we are printing so much money with this Quantitative Easing, we can't stop. Because if we do it will crash the economy, but it's too late now, there is no turning back. By trying to artificially correct the market, they've created an even greater peril. As soon as the quantitative easing stops, there will be problems like no tomorrow. Now the European Central Bank spoke against Bitcoin, and a month later ok'ed the first bank in Europe to trade in it, and have since allowed more. Canada has just recently ok'ed Bitcoin as well. Last quarter there were nearly as many Bitcoin client downloads in China as the U.S. (China's economy is booming and they jump all over a good thing when they see it.) The biggest booming industry in the world is any company involved exclusively in Bitcoin, and if anything, it may very well save the U.S. from the dire situation we've put ourselves, and the world in. Bitcoin is actually making up for those losses due to inflation, and businesses are rapidly switching to Bitcoin completely or going hybrid in Bitcoin and fiat currency. As far as regulating Bitcoin, you can't do it lol, that's the point of Bitcoin, unless all the governments of the world completely take over and control the entire internet, more tight than China does today. As far as the U.S. dollar being the prime foundation of currency and trade, have you noticed that countries aren't trading oil in the dollar anymore? They're trading in other currencies. Also states in the U.S. are making back up currencies and investing in gold because of the possibility of the collapse of the dollar. Gold hasn't backed the dollar since Nixon. In fact the rumors are that we don't have any gold in our reserves, that it was secretly sold off. People have inquired, even U.S. Senators, and no one has been able to see the gold to audit it to make sure it's there. In fact a few years ago a news crew was allowed in with a Senator, and one of the gold bars with it's serial number actually proved to be on paper, in a different location. The word going around is that there is more gold on paper than exists in our vault, and when people realize that, there will be another crash, which is why Germany along with other countries are trying to withdraw all their gold from banks in NY. As far as the value of gold, China and Russia have been buying Billions upon Billions, while the West has been trying to seriously devalue gold completely (because we don't have any). Gold is fairly easy to manipulate, but Bitcoin being tied to so many currencies, futures, and now stocks, once it completely takes hold, will be a very difficult thing to manipulate, unless it is easy to manipulate all the currencies of the world.