Anybody play table tennis? (ping-pong)


DARKLY Regular
This sport is hella fun and was just wondering if anybody here plays the sport?

I got addicted to this sport when I was about 14 and just love it.


TD Admin / Wanker
I used to be great at Table Tennis back when I was about 11-13.
We got some tables set up in the playground of my old school back then and I used to play a lot, I was one of the best in the school.
Haven't played for years but the temptation is always there whenever I see a table somewhere.


TD Member
It's fun! I haven't played in a while, but whenever I have the chance I like to play.

On that note though, I'm terrible at it.


DARKLY Regular
(Late response)
Usually when we have some sort of free day in gym, they bring out a ping-pong table.
Long story short, terrible at the game.

OG buckshot jr

TD Admin
Asians unite! :freddie:. I fuckin love table tennis however my old table is long gone. I wish my city-slinker friends would play more...

I go play at Spin every so often, let's do another meet there!