And it begins...


TD Admin (and LiR)
Jealous. I spent too much on Boxing Day so I don't wanna buy nething for a few more weeks :(

OG buckshot jr

TD Admin
Full load, maxed out beeftree - locked at 60fps, doesn't budge, and it runs at 45C under load, and I haven't even bought my Haf X yet :D :D

OG buckshot jr

TD Admin
nice GPU, looks like it will OC nicely
Yes, it's based off same exact PCB from the 680, and because she came a bit clocked already, she's about 3-4fps (average) faster than one :D
But fuck is it silent and cool while busting up games. Very happy with my purchase.

OG buckshot jr

TD Admin
Returned Windforce GTX 670 cause I wanted to buy a shit-load of nice clothes when I went to Buffalo for a night, a while ago.

Today I picked an MSI GeForce GTX 670 OC - bitch already hit 1150Mhz (advertised as 1079Mhz), and completely obliterated Skyrim and Beeftree at absolute maxed out/full AA/Anisotropic Filtering etc. Max temp seen yet: 49C :D Both games at 1920x1080, fully maxed, no less than 50fps :D PE 2GD5/OC&manufacture=MSI/MicroStar

Low Budget

DGN Staff
Staff member
Why do Toronto people always go to Buffalo? It's such a shitty ghost town. Crickets everywhere.

Low Budget

Derp. That's the closest US city to go to from Toronto, if you want to buy stuff in the states. I don't think anyone goes there for the scenery, or for a vacation. Mainly shopping, usually there for the day and bail.