Search results

  1. Rei

    DENIED Ban Request Tyler l Chat Spammer

    No need for a ban on this one. If you see him on the servers spamming again, contact me or another admin, and we will perma gag him. Report closed.
  2. Rei

    BANNED Ban Request poke

    Banned for a day or two, will be longer if he decides to come back and break the rules again. Thanks for the report.
  3. Rei

    INCORRECT FORMAT Ban Request for アンドレイ・シラク

    While I appreciate the report, we can't do anything without evidence against said player.
  4. Rei

    ACCEPTED Lochnessmaster Tf2 Staff App

    Yeah, this guy is ready. I've been lurking around for a while now and I can say for sure say that he is calm, collected, and concise with everything he does. He would make a great addition to the staff, and I vouch for him 100%.
  5. Rei

    Another Free Raffle

    1 please
  6. Rei

    BANNED Flex,WARface134, Hacker Current ban is one week. Requesting for extension. | steamname: Flex,WARface134 | steam3ID: [U:1:315536751] | steamID32: STEAM_0:1:157768375 | steamID64...
  7. Rei

    Introduction to the King of Salt, M.D. ....T

    Hello friend. I believe I saw you on #6 the other day. Welcome to the forums.
  8. Rei

    Happy Holidays Free Raffle/ Giveaway

    1 for me, thanks loch.
  9. Rei

    Hello, My name is katpolice

  10. Rei

    DENIED Lone Star's Staff Application

    Great guy. I would definitely see him being a fair staff member with a laid back and chill attitude. All you have to do is get some forum activity and you're good in my book. +1
  11. Rei

    BANNED Alt of a scammer, Josh Rock!

    | steamname: Josh rock! | steam3ID: [U:1:238035783] | steamID32: STEAM_0:1:119017891 | steamID64: | customURL: | steamrep:
  12. Rei

    BANNED Double Gameplays Stock, Marked Scammer, Trying to scam

    Chat logs:
  13. Rei

    BANNED Double Gameplays Stock, Marked Scammer, Trying to scam

    | steamname: Double Gameplays Stock | steam3ID: [U:1:184749189] | steamID32: STEAM_0:1:92374594 | steamID64: | customURL: | steamrep: Saw a fishy...
  14. Rei

    everyone has some amount of brains inside them.

    everyone has some amount of brains inside them.
  15. Rei

    UNBANNED «BBQ» Prophet ÜȻṀÊ [LCT] Ban Appeal

    The banning admin should be with you as soon as they find the time to. For reference (Your Denied Appeal):
  16. Rei

    BANNED Hacker, No. Pls.

    Current ban is 1 week, requesting for perm.
  17. Rei

    BANNED Hacker, No. Pls. | steamname: no. pls. | steam3ID: [U:1:295724373] | steamID32: STEAM_0:1:147862186 | steamID64: | customURL...
  18. Rei

    Guess ill be the first to report obvious

    The post farming is real :somuchwin:
  19. Rei

