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You might be in a bad situation if....


TD Admin
You go to a team meeting at work that was called with short notice. The first thing your boss tells everyone that if they are putting in a "soft 40 hours", while some employees are working 70 or 80 hours, that you had better step up to the plate and ask for more work.

I don't consider my 48+ hours a soft schedule...


TD Admin, Chicken Licker, Top Shelf Sleeper

80 hr weeks !? tell them mt calm the fuck down.

80hrs / 5 days = 16 hr days. tell them to stfu and stop lying


TD Member / Gay Gyoza
Where the fuck do you work? wait lemme guess its at narfs sweatshop....beat his ass


TD Admin
ive been working 84 hour weeks all summer long. 3 more days of it left! finally I get my weekends back!


TD Member / Gay Gyoza
man just save up and start your own sweatshop

hey fuck you man dont be coming around trying to take our work. lol