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    If you're new around here, feel free to post a quick thread introducing yourself to the other community members.



TD Admin
Hey everyone I finally managed to get access (Thanks LowBudget!). You've probably seen me on the CSS server as you've blown my head off.

I'm 28, a data warehouse specialist working out of Cincinnati Ohio. I'm going to start lurking around the board a bit. I usually don't make time for this kind of thing, so if I post on your thread you better be damned flattered.

See you in game-

Low Budget

DGN Staff
Staff member
Hey man! Glad you were finally able to access the forums! Played with you for the first time this morning. Good guy. See you on the servers! :D


TD Admin
Hey skd_mrk played with you quite a bit enjoy you on the servers! look forward to seein your comments on the forums!!!! hopefully there just as entertaining as you are in game! :P


2012 Troll of the Year
Hey everyone I finally managed to get access (Thanks LowBudget!). You've probably seen me on the CSS server as you've blown my head off.

I'm 28, a data warehouse specialist working out of Cincinnati Ohio. I'm going to start lurking around the board a bit. I usually don't make time for this kind of thing, so if I post on your thread you better be damned flattered.

See you in game-

Hey buddy, I've built a couple of data warehouses, I'm currently designing ETL and CDC processes in my current company. Fun stuff.

Welcome aboard.


TD Admin

Hey buddy, I've built a couple of data warehouses, I'm currently designing ETL and CDC processes in my current company. Fun stuff.

Welcome aboard.


What's your platform? I'm currently working primarily on an Oracle platform with some DB2 exposure. Pharmaceuticals and sales mostly at this point. ETL, some DBA functions (partitioning etc), and minor Business Objects tasks on the Oracle warehouse. The DB2 stuff is all handled through Ab Initio.

Hailey, you can call me Jon. Just you though.


2012 Troll of the Year

Hey buddy, I've built a couple of data warehouses, I'm currently designing ETL and CDC processes in my current company. Fun stuff.

Welcome aboard.


What's your platform? I'm currently working primarily on an Oracle platform with some DB2 exposure. Pharmaceuticals and sales mostly at this point. ETL, some DBA functions (partitioning etc), and minor Business Objects tasks on the Oracle warehouse. The DB2 stuff is all handled through Ab Initio.

Hailey, you can call me Jon. Just you though.

Oracle 10g, with a future phase planned to 11g (not much should change though)

Small world, I work for a med-large sized insurance broker up here in chilly Canada, and my last project dealt primarily with pharmaceuticals, particularly the active ingredients contained in each. A ton of data is being generated that our number #1 client (the gov't) needs to report on for years to come, so obvious the best way to facilitate this requirement is in flat storage, or OLAP.

I have zero experience in big, bad DB2. I've heard of Ab Initio, but I'm already moving around a million rows in ~6 seconds on DEV databases, so we don't really need Ab Initio... yet... I have a healthy understanding of optimizing the data medium, so this is good enough for us. The nice thing is Oracle manages the CDC nicely, no need to extend upon that, but cleaning the data in the ETL process has resulted in a fair amount of headscratches as we have to resolve personal data (Are these two people the same person?)

Good times.

And, uh.. my name is John as well.

I'm not entirely convinced we're not the same person.

Low Budget

DGN Staff
Staff member

Hey buddy, I've built a couple of data warehouses, I'm currently designing ETL and CDC processes in my current company. Fun stuff.

Welcome aboard.


What's your platform? I'm currently working primarily on an Oracle platform with some DB2 exposure. Pharmaceuticals and sales mostly at this point. ETL, some DBA functions (partitioning etc), and minor Business Objects tasks on the Oracle warehouse. The DB2 stuff is all handled through Ab Initio.

Hailey, you can call me Jon. Just you though.

Oracle 10g, with a future phase planned to 11g (not much should change though)

Small world, I work for a med-large sized insurance broker up here in chilly Canada, and my last project dealt primarily with pharmaceuticals, particularly the active ingredients contained in each. A ton of data is being generated that our number #1 client (the gov't) needs to report on for years to come, so obvious the best way to facilitate this requirement is in flat storage, or OLAP.

I have zero experience in big, bad DB2. I've heard of Ab Initio, but I'm already moving around a million rows in ~6 seconds on DEV databases, so we don't really need Ab Initio... yet... I have a healthy understanding of optimizing the data medium, so this is good enough for us. The nice thing is Oracle manages the CDC nicely, no need to extend upon that, but cleaning the data in the ETL process has resulted in a fair amount of headscratches as we have to resolve personal data (Are these two people the same person?)

Good times.

And, uh.. my name is John as well.

I'm not entirely convinced we're not the same person.



jk <3

OG buckshot jr

TD Admin
Ok you two gays, cut the shit...
Welcome to TD, a pleasure to game with!

Ohio, you say? A buddy of mine lives in Ohio, he's single :o


TD Admin
Hey Skidz! glad u found our forums, we can not be held accountable for anything you may see or read on this website.


TD Admin
I'm still not convinced he's not me.

Lots of differences. Your name has an &quot;h&quot; in it for example. I'm also really tall. I actually work for a grocery/pharmacy chain based here. We're using Oracle 10g also though. Plenty of issues with the cost-based optimizer spring up and data-quality issues out the wazhoo. Our initial data source were ISAM flat files out of a system that was initially developed circa 1987. We have 2.1 million product records when we actually only dispense maybe 7k different ones is one good example of the bleed over.

I wish I was playing counterstrike instead of staring at this eval form....

Thanks everyone for the warm welcome.


2012 Troll of the Year
You guys use ab initio for ~2.1 million rowS? Isn't that overkill? I'm actually pretty handy when it comes to optimizing queries and such, which is odd. I've parsed my way through the explain plan a fair amount, but now its pretty pointless with all the tools for that.

Well looks like you and I have quite a bit in common. Prop is a fellow TD server admin with me, LB is good with the linux, and Narf is a network admin. i'm sure we have a couple other pubbies who are devs or such.

Anyways, welcome aboard buddy, see you in game.