lol i get a bit schizo when i smoke weed. u learn to deal wit it eventually.
back in the day though i think i smoked a pound of weed in about a month and i got all fucked up by the end where i could not remember jack fuckin shit from say 15 minutes before or anything about my day and i was getting all weird thoughts and making fucked up connections like when in the shower, my mind was telling me it was shit and piss or blood coming out of the showerhead, and that some demonic holographic computer matrix whatever was tricking everyone that it was just water. i was getting mad paranoia, in a pure fight or flight mode, i thought someone was going to kill me doing all sorts of crazy shit, i think i paid a taxi driver a few bills one time to take me on a wild goose chase around the city to lose a "tail" one time. then i ended up getting form one'd (your captured for at least 72 hours, and a doctor has to authorize your release) or whatever its called, stayed in the ward for 3 months, took some meds and got better.
now i can blaze weed in moderation and i dont have too many fucked up thoughts, and if i do, my mind is not just repeating them over and over fucking me over. the end.