Downloaded the game client, How do I go about installing this
patch after the game:
make your account here for free, register ??? login play WoW, make a non shit class
addons (thanks pyro)
time to be a sir
download patch , then copy all the stuff in the folder into your wow folder replacing the files. then run wowDownloaded the game client, How do I go about installing this game.
this came out during vanilla wow, Naxxaramas 40 nostalgia when we talked about this episode in raid :3
and the add ons ?download patch , then copy all the stuff in the folder into your wow folder replacing the files. then run wow
and the add ons ?
Not gonna lie, that looks pretty Ugly IMO
Horde - Rams - level 1 - mage, gonna do a alliance toon also as a mage/hunter
yePretty sure it's a pvp realm.
Not gonna lie, that looks pretty Ugly IMO