WoW 1.12

OG buckshot jr

TD Admin

I have the patch extracted in the folder of Feenix 1.12.1
Once you extract the game itself, extract the patch anywhere.
1 ) Open the contents of the patch: Select all files in there (about 8?) -> COPY.
2 ) Navigate to the game (where you extracted it) and paste. It will over-write about 6-7 files (not all), and you're good to go.
3 ) Use regular WoW launcher (which will be overwritten in the previous step).
4 ) Lose life, friends, girlfriends, motivation in all aspects of day to day things.


TF2 Admin

Once you extract the game itself, extract the patch anywhere.
1 ) Open the contents of the patch: Select all files in there (about 8?) -> COPY.
2 ) Navigate to the game (where you extracted it) and paste. It will over-write about 6-7 files (not all), and you're good to go.
3 ) Use regular WoW launcher (which will be overwritten in the previous step).
4 ) Lose life, friends, girlfriends, motivation in all aspects of day to day things.

Thanks! lol

Undead Priest mang!


No kidding :P


Senior TF2 Admin
I have mumble. Didn't start playing the character yet. I will mumble when i start leveling.

OG buckshot jr

TD Admin
Game's actually pretty fun, even though I'm just doing the boring levelling up by myself. Shootin the shit with my hommies is the great.


TD Admin
Welcome to WoW, BJ. Your life will never be the same. I hope you're starting to get tired for ginas because soon you'll be turning them down to go raid with us.

OG buckshot jr

TD Admin
Welcome to WoW, BJ. Your life will never be the same. I hope you're starting to get tired for ginas because soon you'll be turning them down to go raid with us.
hahaha no effin chance, mate! I've got a gyna date on Thursday, a short one tonight, and dinner wednesday with my bro and his wife. Life will continue!


TD Admin, Chicken Licker, Top Shelf Sleeper
somewhat want start a rogue to run with sunjay


TD Admin / Wanker
What kind of character should a complete noob (me) play?
And don't troll because I have no idea about shit and will probably pick a shit class if you tell me to pick it.